"Won't do you," she blurted out. She thought that would offend him, but Izrayl only laughed.
"I bet a one-legged leper could do you right about now."
"Not recommended." Katya shook her head.
"I can't imagine a leper would be your type anyway. Or avolk krovi,for that matter. You've made it pretty clear what you think of them."
"You wouldn't know what my type is," she said, taking another drink.
Izrayl fixed golden eyes on her, and her legs swayed again. He reached out and took the red mug out of her hands.
"You've had enough of this for one night," he said without taking his gaze off her. "We have a big day tomorrow. You should think about going to bed."
"I will have someone escort you to your kennel."
"So you're a bitch even when you're drunk," Izrayl said bluntly.
Katya felt guilty when she saw the hurt look on his face.
"Shit, I'm sorry. I'm kind of a bitch most of the time. Don't mean to be, but I don't play very well with others. I'm supposed to hate you. If my father was alive… Fuck. I'd be in sooo much trouble."
Izryal grinned. "Lucky he isn't then."
"Doesn't matter. I can still feel his disapproval from the afterlife." Katya tried to walk forward and ended up tripping right into Izrayl. He was laughing as he caught her again before she hit the grass.
"You're kind of adorable when you're off your face," Izrayl said, propping her up against him.
"You're nicer when I'm drunk," she murmured.
"Don't tell anyone," he replied. "You really should go to bed. I can help you… Don't give me that look. No funny stuff, I swear. Believe it or not, I don't take advantage of girls when they are drunk."
Katya gave him a wonky smile before it fell from her face. "Izrayl?"
"See that tree? Head for it because I'm about to throw up." He carried her behind the tree, and she fell forward to vomit, his warm hands gently holding the hair from her face.
"This's so fucking embarrassing," Katya groaned.
"It's amusing for me, though. Now when you are difficult, I can go, 'Hey Katya, remember the time I held your hair as you threw up?' and then it will force you to talk to me."
"You could just say hello," Katya said sarcastically before heaving once more.
"That hasn't worked so far." Izrayl helped her once she had stopped. "Let's take you home." Katya lost her footing, and Izrayl swung her up in his arms.
"Let's do this the easy way, and don't even think about fighting with me, or I'll dump you on the ground and leave you there."
"Okay," she mumbled.
Izrayl walked up the stairs of Aleksandra's caravan and placed Katya gently on her bed. Katya clutched her head and squeezed her eyes shut. When she opened them, he was holding out a cup of water.
"Thank you." Izrayl gave her the cup before folding his arms and leaning against the doorframe. Katya sipped some and placed it on the nightstand.
"Will you please stop looking at me like that?" Katya asked, laying back on her pillows.
"Like what?" Izrayl asked innocently.
"Like you're laughing at me. It's rude."