Page 56 of Cry of the Firebird

"And that symbol isAnsuz, a symbol for Odin, God, insights, truth, vision and the power of words." Anya looked at it closer, secretly proud that she had remembered it without the notes this time.

"This whole middle section is Earthly realms. You have a warrior, or hunter, right here, a forest, salmon. Here isUruz,physical strength, speed, courage, and sex. Here is its female counterpart,Pertho, which is a symbol of women and mysteries and fertility. This is a male shaman with his drum with a female shamanitsa on the opposite side. Now, this last end of the drum is the Underworld, especially this southeastern section. These crosses are a graveyard or Death. We have Fenrir or Cerberus, hellhounds of the Underworld. This is Thurisaz, but it is merkstave, backward, so the meaning is the opposite. Here it represents evil, hate, lies, rape, and torment. It's all bad."

Anya pointed. "What's this one? It looks like a funny little house."

"That's a winter storage hut, but in this case, I believe it's Baba Yaga's house. Those are not traditional tree trunks holding it up."

Anya rubbed a hand over her face. "Great. I really can't escape her, can I?"

Baba Zosia's words chilled her to her core. "No. She watches you. Wants you. And won't give up until you bow to her."


Hours later, Anya's head was pounding with magic and symbols and runestones. She stumbled out of Aleksandra's caravan and into the cold, misty rain. She was exhausted, and they had barely scraped the surface.

"Hale and whole I see,shamanitsa." Yvan was standing under the awning of a caravan, the collar of his jacket up high to keep the rain out, and his black hair wet and glossy.

"Thanks to you and my other helpers, I'm doing okay," Anya said joining him. "Have you been standing here long?"

"A while. I was hoping your bodyguards would've freed you by now."

"They have been teaching me the ways of the great shamanitsa's!" she mocked playfully.

Yvan grinned and leaned against the caravan. "I'm happy to hear it. I'm looking forward to seeing what you can do with all that magic. Are you learning anything useful?"

"Bits and pieces. They are going to teach me how to link with Katya's mind this afternoon. Baba Zosia seems to think I have the talent for it."

"Even a blind man can see you're talented,shalost." His own eyes were soft and severe, and Anya felt the weight of them when he looked at her.

"Where's everyone else?" she said, ignoring the blush burning her cheeks.

"They are around. Trajan and Izrayl went on a scouting trip. Cerise, I have no idea. I saw her a little while ago. Katya disappeared with her bow and sword. I get the feeling being in the tribe and around so many people makes her uncomfortable."

"It's certainly a change for me too. Our little group is growing every day. I swear I'm going to start handing out name tags soon so I can keep up," Anya joked.

"Katya told me her intentions of joining with us. I don't see the harm in that. She can take care of any threat that comes against her. I've never seen a woman warrior like her," Yvan said. Anya felt a pinch of jealousy at the admiration in his tone, but she buried it.

"Cerise tells me you were lighting yourself on fire last night. How's that going for you?"

Yvan shrugged. "I'm fine now that I know you are well."

"You were that worried?"

"Are you surprised that I would worry about you?" Yvan asked, dark brows drawing together.

"I'm surprised when anyone gives a damn. It's a new experience for me."

"Of course I give a damn. If you had died yesterday, I never would've forgiven myself," Yvan said softly, wrapping her cold hands in his. "That my own brother was the one to hurt you"

"Hey, stop. What Vasilli does has nothing to do with you. You carry too much guilt as it is, Yvan. Don't shoulder the burden of me as well."

Yvan smiled. "You're a burden I don't mind shouldering."

"Just don't let it become so heavy that you can't carry it and you have to leave."

The pain of losing Trajan the first time around was fresh inside of her, and she couldn't handle losing Yvan after all they had been through.

Yvan squeezed her hand before letting it go. "Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere, Anya. You are stuck with me to the bitter end."