Page 40 of Cry of the Firebird

"Fucking gods!" Vasilli hissed. He scratched symbols in the dirt before cutting his arm and letting the hot red drops stain the earth. He knew he was at least a day away from her location but couldn't let her escape again. Anya might have Yvan and avolk kroviprotecting her, but her dreams were another matter entirely.


In the darkness, Anya dreamed she was a little girl again, playing in the forest, flowers in her hand, blackberry stains on her lips. Through the trees, she saw a man sitting by a stream.

"I've been expecting you," the man said, his voice a deep thrum. "Come closer so that I can see you." She couldn't disobey an adult, so she came to stand in front of him just out of arm's length. The man's face was darkly tanned, and his eyes were deep and old.

"Yanka's blood, you've grown so big," he said, presenting her with a red rose. "My gift to you in honor of your beauty."

Little Anya took the rose and smiled at him brightly. "Was that magic?"

"No, my love. I simply asked the rose to appear in my hand," the man said. "Some would call it magic." He studied her a long moment, and she held his gaze.

"I could teach you magic if you want," he said. "If you take my hand, I will show you the most amazing things in the world." He stretched out his hand, and Anya studied it.

"I don't trust strangers," she said, and the warmth drained out of his black eyes.

"Come with me, Anya, and we could rule the world. This one and the one we will build together."

"I don't want to go," she said stubbornly.

"You and I will have a new family. One so powerful it will make the world tremble," he said convincingly. "Those new friends of yours don't really want you, Anya. You and I are the same. We belong together. If you come with me, you will stay beautiful and powerful forever. I'll never leave you. I will love you forever, and we will crush our enemies into the dust."

"I don't want to go with you." Gone was the child-like voice. Adult Anya had spoken through her child form.

"What chance do you think you have?" he growled through his teeth. "You and my useless brother? Don't you think I'll find you? You have only gotten as far as you have because I've allowed it. I could crush you right now through your dreams. You have no idea of my power, child."

"Then why are you afraid?" she asked in her sweet little girl voice.

He backhanded her across her face, sending her sprawling into the dirt. Despite the pain, she started to laugh loudly. She struggled to climb to her feet.

"You're so powerful, and yet you still resort to hitting me," she managed between giggles. "I'm going to destroy you, Vasilli."

"You say that now, but when all your friends are dead, and the power that is inside of you is destroying you, you'll come to me. It's only a matter of time." Vasilli rotated his hand in a twisting gesture, and the crushed rose in her hand trembled. "A parting gift for you. Never forget, roses are beautiful, but they have thorns."

Anya screamed as the thorns started to bury deep in her flesh. She tried to scratch them from her palm as bright blood rushed from them.

Vasilli started to laugh as she screamed and screamed.

"Anya! Wake up!"Trajan's voice startled her awake.

She stared around the room, trying to clear her head. "Oh, no, Vasilli is coming. He's coming!" Anya pulled on the sleeve of his shirt. "Go and wake everyone. We need to leave!"

Trajan didn't question her, only bolted from the room.

Anya looked down at the palm of her hand. Fresh, raised pink scars lifted her skin where the thorns had buried themselves. Swallowing her fear, Anya got out of bed and quickly dressed.

Yvan burst in as she pulled on her boots. "What happened? The firebird is freaking out."

"Vasilli is coming. We need to go," she said.

Yvan took her gently by the shoulders. "How do you know?" he asked.

"I met him in a dream."


"Don't say it was just a dream, Yvan! Look at this!" She held her palm up to his face. He took her hand and lightly ran his thumb over the raised bumps. He quickly dropped it as if she had burned him.