Page 17 of Cry of the Firebird

"Good. You should fear them because they will kill you."

"You really suck at comforting people." Anya took the knife, ensured it was secure in its leather sheath, and shoved it into her coat pocket next to the bag of rune stones.

"No time for comforting." Yvan looked outside of the cabin before waving at her. "Come on, he's gone for the moment. Probably to find Vasilli."

"Awesome," Anya said, staring at the darkening forest. It was suddenly looking a lot more menacing.

Yvan wrapped his large hand around hers. "Don't get lost and try to keep up."


Anya ran blindly behind Yvan as they bolted through the forest. She clung to him, putting her other hand before her to knock away branches, hoping they wouldn't crash straight into a blackberry bush.

Yvan must've been able to see in the dark because he never tripped while Anya struggled to keep up. It didn't help that his legs were twice as long as hers.

"Where are we going?" she panted.

"Right now, we are getting as far away from the cabin as possible before Vasilli arrives. As for passing into Skazki, I'll know the crossing when I see it. The main gate is on the farm's land, but the weak place between the worlds stretches further into the forest.

A wolf's howl echoed through the trees, and Anya quickened her pace, running close to Yvan.

"Don't overexert yourself. Vischto has to wait for Vasilli before he can do anything. If Vasilli were close, we would know. If we cross into Skazki tonight, we can get a head start while they are still searching the forest for us."

"That is if he doesn't catch us first."

"Don't even joke about that," Yvan said seriously. "We were lucky last time. I doubt it'll happen again."

"Thanks for reminding me." Anya skidded to a stop in the pine needles as vibrations rolled through the air and static snapped over her skin.

"What was that?" she whispered.

"You can feel the power in the air. This part of the forest is shifting as it connects with Skazki. That's what you can feel. I've never been able to pass through the gates without a gatekeeper's help. The firebird's power should change that."

"But I thought only a gatekeeper could open the passages?" Anya asked.

"A proper opening, yes. A strong magic user like Vasilli can sometimes cheat by finding weak spots in crossover pockets. Think of them as backdoors that only the powerful can use. Even then, the pathways can be fickle and refuse them without a gatekeeper," Yvan hurriedly explained as he helped her over a fallen tree. Another howl shook the trees, close enough for Anya's breath to catch.

"Yebat'!He's getting closer," Yvan cursed, and they both ran. "Vischto will try to delay us from entering so Vasilli can catch up to us. If he attacks, be ready to fight back."

Anya slowed as she saw a blue shimmer through the trees. "What's that?"

"That's our way in." Yvan headed towards the light.

"It looks like an aurora," Anya said when they stopped before it. Her skin was covered in goosebumps, the light pulling something deep inside her.

Vischto jumped through the trees, landing only meters away, and gave a blood-chilling warning growl. Yvan burst into flames as the firebird overtook him and launched through the aurora.

"Thanks for waiting for me!" Anya shouted and tried to follow him through. The wall of blue light held, resisting her.Vischto growled again as he moved in on her, slowly and purposefully.

"Let me in, dammit!" Anya cursed the aurora with all her might. Sharp, fiery energy streaked up through her arm and zapped the wall, burning a hole through it like it was paper. Anya tumbled through the wall of light, and it sealed with a snap behind her. She hung suspended for a heart-stopping second before slamming heavily to the forest floor.

"I thought it wasn't going to let you through," Yvan said, his face pale as he helped her to her feet and picked the leaves out of her hair.

"It wasn't. I think I hurt it," Anya replied and brushed off her pants, hissing at the fresh scrapes on her palms. There was no sign of the power that had burned the aurora, only blood and dirt.

"Look," Yvan said. They saw Vischto throw himself against the wall through the sheer blue light, howling in frustration. "We have to keep moving. He'll report back to Vasilli and know exactly where we crossed over. We need to throw him off our trail as much as possible."

Anya rubbed at her arms, her skin tingling all over like she was covered in ants. Yvan's hand found hers in the dark.