Page 141 of Cry of the Firebird

Katya and Isabelle hadn't lowered their guard, and Cerise had shadows of her true form dancing in her eyes as if she could feel the battle coming.

"Vasilli," Anya said softly.

Aramis followed to where she was staring and saw the moment he stepped from the trees in his cloak of shadows.

"Tell me how I can help your shields, and the firebird will let me use its magic," Yvan said urgently as the firebird's power rolled flames out over his skin.

"You're too late, Vasilli. The gates are shut," Anya shouted, her words reverberating with the sound of her ancestors’ voices.

"I'm not here for the gates, witch. I'm here for you!" Vasilli replied, and the shadows rose out of him, racing across the empty field. It hit Aramis's shields, burning through them in seconds and hit Anya.

Aramis cried out in pain as his shields were cut off completely as the power in the earth roared up through Anya and white light exploded out of her. It wrapped itself around Vasilli's shadows and pushed them back.

"We have incoming!" Isabelle called, and the Darkness operatives started racing across the field towards them. There was a shout from the Illumination side, and they hurried to meet their charge.

"They are breaking the treaty," Aramis said, shock rattling him.

"Just focus on putting that shield back up so we don't get riddled with bullets in the crossfire!" Katya replied, shaking his shoulder. "Anya is taking care of herself." Aramis's head snapped back to Anya as she held back Vasilli's shadows, the two slowly stepping towards one another as their vortexes of power clashed between them.

Holy gods, what is she?Aramis's attention went back to the fight as the Darkness reached them and started firing. Bulletsfell from the Twins’ shields, so they drew bladed weapons and charged their way through.

Aramis had cut down two men before they had the chance to defend his attack. A wild laugh exploded out of Cerise as she moved past him, her ancient armor gleaming black and silver and wreathed in shadow as she cut her way into their enemies.

Aramis joined Yvan and Trajan, and they took up positions at Anya's back and sides. Aramis magic shuddered through him as she began to siphon more of the magic from the earth. Anya screamed a wordless sound of pure rage, and her magic burned hot through the shadows, lighting them on fire. Vasilli roared as it hit him, striking him down with a blow so powerful that made Aramis stagger.

"I did it," Anya gasped, shimmering softly with magic even as she swayed. She turned to smile at the dazed people around her, so she didn't see the moment Ladislav came out of the trees, blood smeared on his bare chest, face, and arms.

Aramis ran towards Anya and leaped as the resounding boom of Ladislav's spell exploded around them. Aramis caught Anya as she flew backward through the air, both of them hitting the ground hard.

"Get her!" Ladislav shouted, and the world around became a tangled chaos of gunfire and screams. Trajan was hauling Anya into his arms as Yvan helped Aramis up. His ears were ringing, the sounds of battle drowning and distorted around him.

"In the cars!" Izrayl said, shoving Aramis out of the way and quickly shooting their attacker in the face.

Aramis stumbled, weaving through fighting men and dodging blows as they fought their way back to the cars. Aramis threw magic behind him, knocking back their attackers from both sides. While they were down, he climbed into the backseat beside Trajan, his body going numb from the backlashof Ladislav's spell. Trajan was clutching Anya's still body to him, weeping and shaking.

"Come on, Anya, wake up. Please wake up," the thanatos begged.

Aramis saw her chest rise and fall and groaned in relief.Still alive.

Izrayl and Katya jumped into the car, and they were tearing through the fields as the Twins shifted their shields to protect the vehicles in their retreat.

"Where are we going?" Izrayl demanded.

"Just drive!" Aramis said. His burner phone started to ring as they sped up the driveway and onto the road.

"What?" he shouted down the line over the roar of Katya's gunfire.

"The Illumination just put out a death order for you and everyone you are with," Silvian said, his voice urgent and breaking up. "It's being broadcasted over every channel of communication. Human world tech, as well as psychic and magical links. Do you understand? They are hunting you now! I was in their system as the call went out, and I intercepted it. You aren't going to believe what I found, Aramis."

"Tell me, Silvian!" Aramis demanded, hanging onto the door as Izrayl took a corner hard.

"It's about Yanka and the reason why the girl can dream walk with her…"

"What about it? Hurry up!" Aramis shouted, looking over at Anya. Whatever color she had was gone from her, and she still hadn't regained consciousness. Trajan buried his face in the crook of her shoulder and was sobbing. There was silence at the end of the line.

"Fucking spit it out. I have the Darkness and Illumination up my ass right now!" Aramis shouted as the phone reception began to drop out.

"Yanka is still alive." Silvian's voice crackled. "Did you hear me? Yanka is alive!"