Page 139 of Cry of the Firebird

"Thanks," Izrayl said gruffly, not taking his eyes off the road as they pulled into the farm.

Anya's magic roared in her ears, and she bit her tongue hard enough to taste blood. "Stop the car," she begged, and Izrayl pulled up in front of the remains of the barn. Trajan got out first and all but lifted her out of the car.

As Anya's feet touched the ground, an aurora of light streaked out of the forest and across the field.The gates. They looked like the ones she had seen before but were scarlet while the others had been blue.

"Do you see them? I never thought they would be so beautiful," she gasped, the magic in the earth wrapping around her feet.

"No, I can't see anything," Trajan said, holding her close.

Anya turned away from the wall of light and breathed him in, trying to imprint his scent and body onto her in case anything happened.

"You've got this, Anya," he said, tilting her head up so that he could kiss her. "You were born to do this, my love. Don't forget that."

"I wish I had your confidence," Anya replied, her voice shaky with the nerves that were chewing at her insides.

"You don't need it. You've got the power inside of you already." Trajan brushed another kiss against her lips. "Be careful. I love you."

Anya stared up into his wine-colored eyes, and the drums started in her head again. "I love you too."

"No time left," Aramis interrupted. "I'm sorry. The Darkness is here, and I can only hold these shields for so long."

The pale silvery light was now stretching around them, the Twins’ bronze-colored magic joining the shield and reinforcing it. Now that the sky was lightening, Anya could make out the ranks of soldiers wearing the red and black crest of the Darkness on their uniforms creeping out of the forest.

Across the field, jeeps were coming in from the village, and more men were getting out. Over their uniforms were shining silver chest plates and all were carrying swords.

"The Illumination have finally arrived," Isabelle said, reloading her guns. "I see their knights in shining armor complex is still strong."

"They won't move unless the Darkness openly attack them," Aramis replied, drawing out his long knife. "Ladislav will have to be insane to break the treaty."

"It feels like the day for some insanity," Hamish said, with a laugh.

Anya didn't hear what else they said, their voices blurring as the gates reached out and touched her magic with scarlet vines. Everything seemed to move into the background as Anya walked toward the shimmering aurora in the middle of the field, noticing its frayed edges that touched the land. There were tears opening in the aurora, and through them, Anya saw the dawn sky of Skazki.

Please show me what you need, she silently begged the gates as she reached them. She could feel the expectation of the next gatekeeper pressing in on her, knew that her friends and enemies were all watching her. She pushed all of that aside; only the gates mattered now.

With a shaking hand, Anya pulled out Ilya's knife and ran the blade over her palm. Blood pooled into it, and she placed her hand on the aurora and released her magic.

As blood and magic mingled and fell to the earth, Ilya appeared beside her, then his son Ahti. Anya gasped as more specters rose from the ground and stood around her. She didn't recognize most of them, but she knew who they were—her ancestors, who had lived and died on the land, were all around her.

Then she saw Eikki, and tears welled in her eyes. He joined her and mouthed words she couldn't hear. The voices in her head started to move in time with his lips until she could make out the echoing words. ‘I'm sorry. Be safe. I love you.’

Anya tried to reach for him, but her hand slid through him. Eikki's green eyes filled with warning and mouthed, ‘Murdered,’ then pointed to his chest, ‘Trust no one.’ Anya couldn't ask him more because Ilya's hand rested on her shoulder, and the chorus of voices silenced and then rose together in one voice.

‘Don't be afraid. Your ancestors stand with you, Anya. Feel our power in your bones and blood and the earth at your feet,’they said to her. ‘It's at your fingertips, waiting for you to use. You're not alone. You never were. Feel the magic calling out to you. Draw it up from our bones and blood that have protected this land and lay in it.’

Anya's feet were pulsing with power, and she closed her eyes and drew the hot magic up from the earth.

"I feel it," she whispered, her own magic tying itself to the land. Then she breathed out and let it take control of her.

Anya knelt down and drew a line in the earth where the light of the gate touched it. She squeezed her hand tightly and let her blood flow into the earth. The voices of her ancestors began to chant again, the power of their rune songs racing through her veins and biting her tongue. She stood and opened her mouth to let their voices out.

"I am the Gate's strong keeper,

Rune singer and Magic wielder.

Door to Dreamland,

Land of heroes, land of stories,