Page 131 of Cry of the Firebird

Joy bubbled up through her. Trajan, the one who made her skin ache and heart pound,lovedher.

"Yeah, that's the feeling," she said, twisting her fingers into the hair at the nape of his neck. His breath was warm against her smiling lips as she whispered, "I love you too."

Trajan's face broke into the most heartbreakingly beautiful grin she had ever seen, and then he kissed her until she was breathless.

"I still have to go with Aramis to the farm, if for no other reason than I have to search the wreckage for Ilya's knife," Anya said, curling up in Trajan's warm arms.

Trajan's fingers ran slowly through her hair. "I don't like the way he looks at you."

"You and Katya should start a club," she said, rolling her eyes.

"Perhaps you should start listening to what we are saying then."

"I need to get the knife. Then I'll never have to be alone with him again, and you won't have to worry about it."

Trajan shook his head. "I have reason to be concerned. I fear him trying to take you away from us.The Illumination always hunted the most gifted to place among them. In many ways, they do exactly what Ladislav and his people do. I understand theyare needed to control the Darkness if you can't close the gates, but I worry that now they know you, they'll hunt you as viciously as Ladislav and Vasilli."

"I won't go with them, and Aramis knows it. I have no interest in being a prize of the Illumination. As soon as these gates are closed, I want to get as far away from here as possible."

Trajan leaned down and kissed her cheeks gently. "If you don't return within two hours, I'll come after you. I don't care if Yvan burns the forest down, and the Darkness swarms us. I won't let him take you."

Aramis's phonewas ringing angrily in his pocket. He knew it was an Elder, one of the three that ruled the Illumination from on high. He was trying to put off answering the Illumination’s calls, and especially any from Lord Ainsley.

Aramis had walked into the woods to get away from the tension in the tavern. Too many supernaturals under one roof caused so much friction that he was surprised they had all lived together in Paris without any of them killing each other. The phone was ringing again, so he picked it up with a small sigh and answered it.

"Aramis, what the devil is going on over there? You haven't reported in two days," a voice with an English accent demanded.

"I apologize, sir. The reception here isn't the best."

"There are other ways for us to communicate," Ainsley said.

"The situation here is precarious. I don't wish to use any kind of power that could be detected by the enemy."

There was a long pause on the other end of the phone. "Tell me about the girl, Aramis."

"She's amazing, sir. A wealth of untapped power. More than I have ever encountered since Yanka. After this situation with the gates is sorted, I'd like some time off from my regular responsibilities to stay and help her."

"That won't be necessary. We have another assignment for you."

Aramis's blood went cold. "Oh?"

"Bring her to us, Aramis. We can teach her and make her one of our own."

"With all due respect, she would never come with me. She's closely tied to her companions and won't leave them."

"I didn't sayaskher to come to us. I said,bringher to us," he demanded.

Aramis tried and failed to keep the anger and dread from his voice. "Anya wouldn't react kindly to force, and I find the thought of hurting her unsavory. Her magic tends to rise up and protect her and would be a force to reckon with."

"You do it, Aramis, or I'll send another team to extract her, and they won't be so delicate. The choice, I leave to you. You told me her lineage wouldn't be an issue for you, so stop making this personal."

The line went dead, and Aramis fought the urge to throw the phone into the forest and be done with it.

The Illumination had given him purpose during the hardest period of his life, but some of his debts ran deeper than his loyalty to them. Debts that Aramis might finally have a chance to repay so that his battered soul could finally mend.

Get the gates closed first,he prompted himself as he turned back toward the tavern,and then worry about how to get out of their orders.