"Then your information sources are incorrect. I won't let anything happen to you, Anya. Just let me help you and your companions. As for what happens after you close the gate… I'll endeavor to change the Illumination’s minds about it. Unless it is what you want. The Illumination isn't your enemy, and neither am I."
Aramis ran his fingers over the back of her hand, and Anya felt the charge in them. She didn't know why she trusted him or what he was saying, but she did.
"It will take a lot of convincing to get the others to want to work with the Illumination, but I'll try."
Aramis smiled easily at her, and she found herself smiling back. She liked him, and he knew it.
"You should go off to bed. You need to sleep, and they'll panic if they can't find you," Aramis said finally.
Anya looked up as the carriage door opened, and Trajan stepped inside. "They have already found us," Anya said.
Aramis got to his feet as black smoke began to pour from Trajan, his thanatos wings stretching out from his back.
"Trajan, stop! He's a friend!" Anya shouted. She watched as the brown from Trajan's eyes melted into red, and Aramis's position changed to the defensive.
Trajan vanished and was on him in a heartbeat. Aramis glowed, and with a deafening crack, Trajan was thrown backward on the stained carpet. Anya pushed Aramis out of the way and hurried to where Trajan lay.
"Are you hurt?" Anya was on her knees beside him, checking him over. His nose was bleeding, and he was looking at her in a daze. "What the hell did you do to him, Aramis?"
"I defended myself." He still hadn't taken his eyes off Trajan.
"What the hell is he?" Trajan said as he sat up, clutching his head.
"I am Álfr, and you will keep your distance, creature," Aramis commanded. The power in his voice made Anya's hair stand on end.
"Long story," Anya muttered. "I told you not to attack him, Trajan."
"I didn't mean to. I saw him and…" Trajan seemed to be at a loss for words.
"It doesn't matter."
"I apologize," Trajan said to Aramis when he could stand straight.
"Accepted." Aramis gave him a nod. "I have to go and check on the security detail. Anya, please talk to your people and find if an alliance is possible." He fixed her with his impossibly blue gaze and added more gently, "I will be close."
"I'll find you," she assured him.
As Aramis walked past her, his hand lightly touched hers, leaving her magic burning in her veins.
Anya was helping Trajan back to their compartment when they were met by the Twins and almost collided with Yvan.
"What's happened?" Honaw demanded as he helped shoulder Trajan's weight.
"How did I know you would be at the center of this newest disturbance, Anya?" Yvan teased sleepily.
"Help me get Trajan inside. He nearly had his brain knocked out," Anya said, tipsy and shaken from her night with Aramis.
Now that Anya was away from him, she couldn't believe the things she had revealed to him. Her knees started to weaken, and Yvan grabbed her arm to steady her.
"Looks like you need to sit down. Some water couldn't hurt either."
Anya was placed next to Trajan on the narrow bed, and Yvan fetched bottles of water. The Twins had positioned themselves on the carpet and were looking at Anya expectantly.
"Tell them, Anya," Trajan slurred as he slumped against the wall.
She didn't tell them that she thought he had used his magic on her, but she told them of Aramis and the offer to work with the Illumination.