Page 121 of Cry of the Firebird

"Why? I've done nothing wrong, and you don't even know me."

Aramis smiled. "That's where you are wrong, Anyanka. We do know you. The Illumination has kept files on your family since Yanka crossed into this world. We know who your parents are, how they met before you were born. Unfortunately, your grandfather kept the extent of your powers a secret from us."

"I wonder why he would do that?" Anya asked sarcastically.

"Perhaps he was concerned we would take you away from him for proper training."

"Or he didn't want you using me like every other bastard wants to! The Darkness, the Illumination, the Powers. From what I can tell, you are all the fucking same."

"We are on the side of good," Aramis argued.

"That depends on which side you're standing on."

Aramis's blue eyes narrowed. "You are terribly stubborn, aren't you?"

"Yes, I am, and I'm extremely suspicious and not very trusting."

"I can tell." His lips were curling up in amusement, and Anya began to feel the anger drain out of her. "Regardless, I have a team on board to assist if you are attacked."

"I don't need any more babysitters, Aramis." Anya got up and went to the bar to get the bottle of vodka. "I've got plenty enough as it is, and I'm not interested in joining the Illumination either."

The bartender was out cold and slumped over the sink. Anya looked over to Aramis, who was tense like he was ready to get in her way if she tried to bolt.

"Was this your doing?" she asked.

"I don't want us to be disturbed, so he won't be waking anytime soon," Aramis assured her. "Your file said you had a drinking problem." He looked pointedly at the bottle in her hand.

"My drinking is none of your business, just like everything else in that file, and you can shove it up your ass." Anya sat back down and filled her cup. Aramis took the bottle and filled his own.

"I must admit there wasn't a terrible lot of information about you. What we found in Paris will make an interesting addition."

"What is it you think you found in Paris?" Anya's heart was starting to pound again. They had been to Trajan's house and would have seen the bodies that they had left behind.

"A man has been turned into a perfect ash sculpture. Only magic could have done such a thing."

"It was self-defense."

"I have no doubt. Can I ask who he was?"

Anya shrugged. "I don't know. I assume he was with the Darkness."

"Why is that?"

Any's mouth opened of its own accord and said, "Because they kidnapped and tortured my friend and me. Because they are hunting me. They were the ones who broke into our houseand tried to kill us. That man had a knife at my throat, so he had it coming."

"How did you escape them when they kidnapped you? By burning their headquarters down?" Aramis asked.

"How did you know about that?" Anya demanded. She hated that she sounded afraid instead of angry.

"Your magic residue was left all over it. Tell me what happened?"

Anya folded her arms. "Why should I?"

"Because I'm trustworthy." Aramis smiled as he touched her hand, her power purring as a tingling warmth spread from him and over her skin.

"What are you?" she whispered. "Why does my magic react to you like this?" She fought down the tears that welled in the back of her eyes as her magic became overwhelmed by the power that began to pour into her. "You want me to trust you, but you won't even tell me who you really are."

"I told you. My name is Aramis, and I am with the Illumination."