Page 84 of Cry of the Firebird

"I should be able to find it no problems," Izrayl confirmed. "We'll take my car."

They got into the small elevator, and Katya's adrenaline kicked up as she was enclosed in the small space with his scent and heat. She was never going to concentrate if she didn't get this out of her system.

Katya hit the stop button and turned to look up at him. Izrayl raised a questioning brow as she rose on tiptoes and pressed her lips to his.

A low growl rumbled in his chest, and he deepened the kiss. Katya nipped hard at his bottom lip, and his self-control snapped. Izrayl had her lifted up and pressed against the elevator doors before she could blink. Her legs wrapped around him, her hands buried into his hair as she met his intensity head-on. She had fought her urge for days like an idiot. Katya's phone chimed again, snapping her out of it.

"We have to get going," she said breathlessly, pulling away from him and leaning down to press the button to get the elevator moving. It opened at the garage, and Izrayl lowered her to her feet, his eyes still hot enough to make her second-guess going out.

"Stop looking at me like that," she said, pulling out of his grip.

"Not that I'm complaining, but do you want to tell me what that was for?" Izrayl asked.

Katya grinned and opened the passenger door of his car. "Luck."

Izrayl cursed under his breath, and that only made her grin widen.

"Does Isabelle call you up out of the blue like this a lot?" Izrayl asked as they pulled out into the streets.

"Not often, but when she does, it's always last minute. I messaged her when we got back to Paris to let her know I had returned to Mir. She didn't reply, which is also pretty standard. I didn't know she was in France."

"Any idea what she's hunting?"

"Not a clue. I hope I don't get you killed."

Izrayl chuckled. "Just worry about yourself, little hunter."

They drove in silence for a few moments before Katya's phone pinged.


"She really needs to learn to text without caps," Katya murmured to herself. "Keep an eye out for a fire escape with a roof access."

Katya and Izrayl left the car a few blocks from their destination and continued on foot. It was a quiet night, andKatya could smell the water of the Canal de l'Ourcq in the air. Izrayl walked a few steps behind her, watching her back.

They scaled the building next door before making their way across to the roof of their destination. Katya didn't know who they were about to ambush, but the dilapidated building didn't appear to have any security.

Katya nearly crashed into Isabelle before she spotted her. Isabelle Blackwood had been a friend of the family for years, and Katya hero-worshipped her. Rumors abounded about her in the hunter community, most speculating that Isabelle was half-vampire, a demon, a supernatural of some sort.

Katya could believe the half supernatural rumor because Isabelle had never aged the whole time Katya had known her. Isabelle looked about twenty-five years old with long wavy blonde hair and violet eyes. Her looks were just another deception because she could out-fight, out-shoot, and out-hunt any of her male counterparts.

Isabelle had shown Katya many tricks of the trade, especially after she was old enough to get away from the tribe.

The first time Katya had seen her in action, she had almost gotten herself killed by standing there watching Isabelle slice, dice, and shoot. She was magic with a blade and damn frightening to behold.

In the dark Parisian night, Isabelle still looked as young as she always did. Her honey hair fell to her waist in a braid and glowed softly in scant light. Katya caught the glimmer of weapons strapped to her legs in holsters similar to her own. She wore the hunting gear that Katya had seen her in most often—tight, dark trousers, high lace-up boots, a dark blue shirt, and a many-buttoned governess waistcoat. She had a three-quarter length jacket over the top, which held, if possible, more weapons than Katya had.

"Thank you for coming," Isabelle said, her English accent crisp. She was in full hunter mode, her expression serious. Hugs and catch-ups would wait until later.

"It's good to see you. This is Izrayl," Katya replied with a nod in his direction. Isabelle gave him a sharp appraising once-over before she offered her hand. He shook with a smile.

"Nice to have you along. Katya and I will try not to get you killed."

Izrayl grinned. "She said the same thing. You don't have to worry. I can take care of myself."

"Oh, I'm not worried. If you die, it's your own fault. Let's go. It's getting late," Isabelle said.

"Belle, info. What are we up against?" Katya interrupted.