Anya sensed something in the air change and give out like the forest had let out a breath it had been holding around them. Static pricked the back of her neck as Baba Zosia cut her finger and smeared blood on the tree. The strange symbol melted into the bark, healing the tree to appear like nothing had been carved on it.
Lifting her hands towards the campsite, Baba Zosia started to chant softly in the complicated language of the tribe. Magic thrummed through the air, making Anya's flare and itch under her skin.
Around her, a breeze picked up, and the campground, with its tracks in the mud and stains from the fires, all melted away until there was nothing but autumn leaf litter and debris in its place. It looked like it hadn't been disturbed for years.
"That's amazing," Anya said, her eyes wide.
"That's magic, baby," Katya replied with a wink. "Come on. She wants to see you before you leave."
Baba Zosia stood with Aleksandra, supporting her by the arm. Whatever she had just done had clearly taken it out of her.
"Thank you for all of your help, Baba Zosia. I hope one day I can repay you for it," Anya said politely. The old woman pinched her chin.
"You repay me by not dying. Be smart." She tapped Anya hard on the forehead. "You learn from dis. You..." Baba Zosia said something to Aleksandra, who continued, "You guard your dreams and guard your heart."
"I will. I promise you." Anya thanked Aleksandra, who hugged her, and they said farewell to the rest of the group. Baba Zosia was helped into her caravan, and they made their way after the rest of the tribe.
Katya was alert and on edge as they moved through the forest in the opposite direction. She hadn't spoken to Izrayl all day and wondered if ignoring him like this would eventually make the situation worse.
I wouldn't worry about it now, Anya touched her mind before opening her mouth. "I'm sorry about that. I've been tuning into you all day, and it kind of happened."
"It's fine, Anya. I would rather you be the one reading my thoughts than the others if you know what I mean."
"Don't worry. I'll keep out."
"You girls do realize I can hear everything you are saying?" Cerise said as she walked up beside them.
Katya couldn't believe she managed to walk so far in those ridiculous boots. "You aren't the one I'm worried about. It's the wolf boy, wherever he has gone," Katya replied.
"Trajan and Izrayl decided to do a quick scout ahead to make sure Vasilli isn't hiding somewhere ready to ambush us."
"I wouldn't put it past him," Yvan said from behind them. "Vasilli is the slyest, slipperiest, most cunning man ever created. It would be nothing for him to wait for days until we left the protection of the camp."
"Always cheery and optimistic, aren't you?" Cerise replied.
"Unlike you, lovely ladies, I know my brother. I know what he's capable of. If you think he'll show any mercy, he won't. If he is quiet, be even more worried. It means he's organizing something worse." It was quite the speech for Yvan, who had been quiet since coming to the camp, and seemed content to listen to everyone else talk.
"I know Vasilli and the Darkness have a base in Moscow. If he needs help or advice, that will be the first place he will go," Katya said thoughtfully. "Paris will put some decent distance between us for the time being."
Anya said, "Can I ask a question? The Darkness was after me in Moscow when I had no idea about magic. What happens to the people like me who don't know they have magic and the Darkness get to them?"
"They re-educate them," Katya replied darkly.
"What does that even mean? Tell me, I want to know."
"No, you really don't. Believe me, it's not something you want to talk about in the dark."
"What about the Illumination? Are they any better?" Anya pressed.
Cerise and Katya both laughed.
"It doesn't matter. Illumination or Darkness, they are assholes, and you should stay as far away from them as you can,shamanitsa," Katya muttered.
"We seem to be clear." Izrayl emerged from the trees in a pair of dirty jeans and covered in mud. "You make a lot of noise. It must be a woman thing."
Yvan coughed meaningfully, but Izrayl ignored him.