Page 45 of Cry of the Firebird

"Anya is suffering enough. She doesn't need the additional shock of your dick swinging about," Cerise said. She pulled out a wicked-looking knife from her bag.

"Maybe Anya needs the distraction," Anya squeaked, staring at the blade.

Trajan put a hand on Izrayl's bicep, stopping him from undoing his jeans. "Don't even think about it."

Izrayl grinned. "Party pooper."

"You'll have to help hold her in case the paralysis is some kind of magic, only messing with her head," Cerise said to Trajan before turning back to Anya. "Can you feel it when I touch your hand?"

Anya watched her poke the scars, but there was no sensation. "No, nothing."

"Then let's hope you don't feel the knife and the thorns don't try and fight back," Cerise replied.

Trajan sat down on the other side of Anya and pulled her close. "I'm sorry for the pain this may cause," he whispered, his lips brushing her ear.

Anya shut her eyes and nodded. "I'm ready. Cut the fucking things out."


Katya moved quickly through the trees, thinking over her conversation with Aleksandra. Despite how much she hated her father, Katya was like him in many ways. He had been a hunter too, except they didn't just hunt animals but supernatural creatures that needed to be put down for preying on humans and those weaker than them.

Usually, the men in the family inherited the hunter gifts, and the women inherited telepathy and divination. Being cursed with two girls, he had been forced to accept that Katya was the next hunter.

Their tribe wandered between Skazki and Mir, and she had spent lengthy times in both. These days she only ever really came back to Skazki when Aleksandra's persistent nagging became too much for her to handle.

Katya had an apartment in Moscow and one in Paris full of guns she could never bring over because they didn't work in Skazki. It didn't bother her too much because she never stayed in Skazki long. There were plenty of monsters to hunt in Mir, and it wasn't like the Illumination ever got off their asses to help the Neutrals. It made Katya's job as a hunter much more of achallenge to dodge the authorities and her targets, but she felt her skills went to better use in Mir.

Skazki's people still taught their children about monsters and how to defend against them; the humans had forgotten about them, and that made them prey.

Their tribe had plenty of able-bodied men, not to mention Baba Zosia and Aleksandra, to keep them safe. She would still be in Europe hunting if it wasn't for her sister.

Aleksandra had contacted her a week beforehand with premonitions of a war brewing and the world burning. Typical apocalypse shit that had forced Katya to come back to protect the tribe.

Aleki? Where are they?Katya had been running most of the day and was getting annoyed that she still hadn't found them.

You are close. Keep going. Katya. The creature is dangerous. Be careful, little sister.

Katya could hear voices arguing in the direction of a stream that was close by. She loosened her bow from where it hung concealed underneath her leather coat. It also hid an impressive assortment of vicious weapons, including throwing knives and a short sword. In Katya's opinion, you could never be too prepared.

Katya spotted the small group at the tree line. Two women and three men. The blonde woman with them oozed so much magic Katya was surprised the trees weren't coming alive and dancing. They started to hold the woman down, and a knife flashed in the hand of the red-haired woman.

Not on my watch, she nocked an arrow and released it.

Anya waitedfor the pain of the blade, but it never came. She opened her eyes as an arrow thudded into the ground beside them. A woman appeared through the trees, loading another arrow into her bow as she ran. Izrayl morphed and charged her, dodging another fired shot.

"Oh, avolk krovi! It must be my lucky day," the woman said. The bow disappeared under her coat in a quick move, and a knife appeared in each hand. Izrayl launched himself at her, and she fell to her knees, sliding underneath him, her blade catching one of his legs. Izrayl landed and turned quickly for another assault.

"Stop!" Anya shouted with her ruined voice.

Izrayl attacked the stranger with a growl. She flipped over him, dodging his snapping teeth. Izrayl managed to catch her coat with his claws, and she hit the ground with a loud thump.

Izrayl stalked over to her, a deep growl rolling through him. The woman waited until he was crouched over her before she swung her arm out and punched him in the nose. Izrayl yelped in pain and surprise.

"That's enough!" Trajan shouted, his voice echoing over the noise and confusion. "Izrayl, back down. You, woman, explain why you are attacking us."

She rolled to her feet and spat blood on the dirt beside her. "You were about to slice that poor girl up, and I can't allow that."

"They're helping me. They are my friends," Anya wheezed.