"If it was horrible, why are you so excited about it?" Trajan asked, taking a seat beside her.
"Because it was arealmemory. That must mean whatever Tuoni did to me is working, even if it's going slow. In a few days, I'll hopefully remember who you are properly," Anya said, resting a hand on his arm.
He looked down at it curiously, and as she went to move it, he put his warm palm over hers. "That is good news. It's been rather terrible having you look at me like a stranger," Trajan admitted. Heat flushed her cheeks, and Yvan interrupted them by placing a plate of breakfast in front of her.
"You better eat, Anya. We need to talk about a plan for leaving here while we still have a lead on Vasilli," he said, sitting down on the other side of her.
"What plan?" Cerise asked, coming into the kitchen and looking like a million dollars with her vibrant red hair in a long, intricate braid. "I don't want to have to deal with Vasilli any time soon."
"Baba Yaga gave us a drum, and she said it would show us the way through Skazki if I cast Yanka's rune stones on it. I haven't tried it out yet," Anya admitted.
"I've been thinking about Paris," Trajan said. "I have a townhouse, and unlike Skazki, you will be able to hide your magic there."
"That's right, because that red magic trail is everywhere you go," Izrayl reminded her.
"But won't Mir make it harder for Anya to learn her magic?" Yvan asked.
"Not if Tuoni really did something to remove the blocks in Anya's memory," Trajan argued, turning back to her. "You were already so natural with your magic before Eikki hid it away. It was like you could use it intuitively. If you remember those times, you might be able to sense the power and use it more easily."
"I have Eikki's journals, but I can start with the runes and the drum," Anya said, sounding way more confident than what she felt.
"Baba Yaga said that the drum would give us safe passage, and if we decide to go to Paris, hopefully, it will lead us to another gate close by," Yvan said. He cursed suddenly and started squirming in his seat. He quickly undid his shirt, gritting his teeth. He breathed a sigh as the firebird stretched and moved his wings along Yvan's skin.
"Are you okay?" Anya asked, her hand reaching for his shaking shoulder.
"It wanted to see," Yvan said apologetically. "Damn bird won't shut up in my head." The firebird's feathers gleamed softly. Its eye blinked and turned its head, so Yvan looked as if he had a bird's head growing out of his chest.
Izrayl laughed when he saw it. "I thought I was a freak. That's just gross."
"It's draining having an extra voice in your head. It's like having a wife again," Yvan complained.
"Then it's settled. We head to Paris," Trajan interrupted them. "Anya, you should have a look at the drum and the runes this morning to see if it gives you some useful directions while we pack."
Anya bit her lip. "I can try, but I can't promise anything magical will happen."
"Of what I have seen of magic, you only need talent and instincts, and you have both," Yvan said. "Have you felt any different since crossing over?"
"My hand still burns sometimes where Tuoni zapped me, and sometimes I feel like I have static running under my skin. Vodka dulls it down enough, so I don't want to scratch myself to pieces."
The magic is building inside of you, child,the firebird's voice touched her mind. You must release it, or it will start releasing itself.
"That's not helpful," Anya told the bird on Yvan's chest. "It says it's the magic trying to get out." The firebird stretched its wing down Yvan's arm, curled out his skin, and brushed against her, sending warmth flooding up to her arm.
"Wow," Anya whispered, stroking the feather with one finger.
"Using the drum could help release some of your magic," Trajan said, making her look up.
"You don't think using magic will attract Vasilli?"
"If it does, at least you have some fierce protectors," Cerise said. "And a sexy guard dog."
Izrayl snorted. "Don't push your luck with the dog jokes."
"You should try using the drum outside, so if you release too much power, you won't destroy the house," Trajan suggested.
"That's probably a good idea. Just don't expect any miracles," Anya said quietly.
Cerise clapped her hands. "We have a plan. You get started on the drum, and the rest of us will focus on packing what we need for when the miracle arrives."