Page 51 of Faerie Trials

I glanced up at the warmth in his voice and watched Mike come around the side of the table toward me. At once, every inch of me lit at his nearness. I remembered the kisses, the hardness of his body against mine. “You had me then, too. Tutoring you. It didn’t help much in the long run.”

“Ah, true.” He scratched his chin, looking thoughtful.

“And I definitely think you’re right. If there are going to be books on arcane magic, spells they don’t teach us in class, then we aren’t going to find them here, especially not with everyone else looking,” I murmured.

“At least with two sets of eyes looking it should make the research go faster.”

Glancing up at him, I saw him watching me. I wanted to kiss him. Right there in front of everyone I wanted to slide my arms around his neck and never let him go.

God, he was a distraction. I knew that if we kissed, he’d taste familiar. Welcome.

“We’ll have to do it off the clock.” A small fire kindled in my stomach when he reached out a hand and stroked his thumb over my cheek. “I mean, they aren’t going to let us leave school to do outside research.”

“I can pull the prince card if you really want me to.”

I giggled. “Maybe we should keep the prince card in our back pocket in case wereallyneed it,” I whispered. “I’ll have time tonight after I get off kitchen duty.”

Mike moaned softly as he shook his head. “You really don’t belong in the kitchen. I’m so sorry about that, Tavi.”

“I’ve almost gotten used to it,” I said lightly. Trying not to let him know how very much I agreed. Ihatedworking in the kitchen.

“You shouldn’t have to get used to it. It’s taking your focus away from the really important things.”

I grinned. “Like classes?”

“Like…a certain someone who wants to spend time with you,” Mike corrected.

Yup, full on blush. I felt the heat creeping up my neck and toward my hairline. I had to get out of there before I did something I’d regret. Something like launch myself at the crown prince and embarrass the both of us in front of our classmates. I was about ten seconds away from doing it anyway.

“I’m going to the restroom. I’ll be right back.” I broke contact and sent Mike a warm smile.

“Hurry!” he called after me. I heard the librarian shush him.

I bit my lower lip on my way out the door to keep from giggling. Okay, the Trials weren’t a joke. They were nothing to laugh at. But the way Mike and I were getting closer…I couldn’t believe it. It was a silver lining in the face of chaos.

“Tavi Alderidge?”

I stopped and glanced up at the sound of my name. Two castle guards approached with their weapons at their sides and their faces half shrouded by visors. Immediately my walls went up. I stared at them warily through narrowed eyes. “Yes?”

The library doors had closed behind me. The stomping of boots echoed throughout the hall and the guards halted in front of me. “Miss Alderidge, you need to come with us.”

My good mood dropped in an instant. “No, I’m sorry. No time.” I pointed over my shoulder. “I have the Trials to research. What’s this about?”

They didn’t look at each other. They barely looked at me, their eyes hidden. “You’re to come with us now,” the one on the left insisted.

I dug my heels in. Figuratively, of course. No way was I leaving the school now.

And why was there no one around to see this? “I’m not sure what’s going on but I don’t have to go with you,” I said.

“King’s orders.” This from the guard on the right.

They strode forward and grabbed my arms, one on either side. “What are you doing?” I managed to get out, locking my knees. But between the two of them, I didn’t have the strength to fight, to keep them from taking me.

And if this was on the king’s orders, then I knew better than to fight. I stopped myself from putting my foot in my mouth and finally stepped along with the two guards. How glad I felt that Mike wasn’t around to see this. He’d been there too many times when his father’s bullies came to take me away for questioning. Maybe Mike would be proud of me for showing some restraint.

The guards didn’t take me to the throne room, as I expected. They called up a portal but instead of turning left, they went right. Away from the last place I’d gone when the king called for me.

“This is great, guys. Perfect,” I finally told them. “Another missed day of school. It’s really helping me keep up with the rest of my classmates. The king will be so pleased.”