Page 77 of Faerie Gift

“We wondered when you’d be out. Well met, Tavi Alderidge.”

My spine straightening and my blood going cold, I turned toward the voice. Only to find two familiar second-year boys waiting for me in the empty hall.


They were the same boys I’d caught trying to break into the exchange student quarters the night I was sick. Although my senses were dulled, I sensed something off about them. Probably shifters although I had no proof of it.

“You were waiting for me? How sweet.” I shrugged, happy I’d worn an outfit allowing me to move in case it came down to a fight. Judging from the way they looked at me, I was surprised they hadn’t thrown the first punch already. “I’m flattered. I hadn’t realized you knew my name.”

The two shared a look, stepping closer, the taller of the boys sending me a glare to be proud of.

“You know why we’re here,” the shorter one stated.

Assessing the space from the corner of my eye, I knew I didn’t have room to run. No escape. It was either confront them or go back into the gym. Barring the doors hadn’t automatically locked behind me to prevent disturbing the test takers.

No need to be afraid,I told myself on repeat. We were alone in the hall and these two jerks thought they were dealing with a young girl, a first-year, smaller than them and half human.

Let them think what they wanted.

“Were you able to reach the Augundae Imperium?”

My heart thudded and I trained my gaze on the speaker. “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” I replied neutrally.

The bigger one loomed threateningly over me and said, “You can say what you want but we know the truth. We finally got inside. And the artifact we found there has no magic at all. Now how could that be unless someone put a replica in place? Someone with the sort of skills and magic to make people see what they want them to see?”

“How am I supposed to know?” I cringed away from him. Only part of the motion was faked.

“We know you were there. We know you were trying to break into the room, and there’s only one reason why. I just wish my brother had killed you when he had the chance.”

My eyes popped wide open. Hisbrother?

“Did you really think we wouldn’t recognize your scent?” the smaller one said as they crowded closer. “You might have found a way to run from us but there’s no way you can erase your scent. Plus you left a trail. Blood. Like a wounded doe.”

Dammit. “My blood,” I repeated woodenly. I guess I hadn’t cleaned up after my nosebleed as well as I’d thought.

They corralled me against the wall, moving in tandem, a well-organized unit. “We don’t know how you did it and we don’t really care, but you’re going to tell us what you did with the artifact.” The two shared a look.

“Why do you want the Augundae Imperium?”

“Does it matter? It’s a powerful magical piece. We need it, you have it, and you’re going to give it to us right now. Or else.” They loomed over me, nostrils wide, scenting the air. A faint yellow glow lit their eyes.

Bullies, I thought again to myself. They were nothing but bullies.

And I’d pretty much had my fair share of bullies lately. “You know, I’m sick of people thinking they can push me around.” I flipped my braid over my shoulder. “You want the Augundae Imperium so badly? Maybe you should have gotten there first.”

I snapped my teeth to prove my point. Neither one of them moved away. If anything, their hackles rose. I probably should not have antagonized them. But being at the end of what I found tolerable, I went straight to frustration and fury. These guys were strong, especially if they were shifters, and that made them aggressive as hell too.

The only thing I did was manage to piss them off.

I huffed, not showing any fear. “You threaten me because you’re selfish and you want something powerful for yourself. Your brotherdidtry to kill me, true, and now he’s in jail. You’re upset about me taking the Imperium? Well, get the hell in line because there’s a queue of people who want to hurt me. You’re not the first and you’re not going to be the last.” I took a step closer and had to raise my chin to look at them. “You make trouble and get mad when things don’t go your way. A couple of punks. Who do you think you are?”

The two shared a look again. “Who do we think we are?” the short one repeated. “We’re the ones who are going to beat your ass. And when we’re done, and you’re crying like a little girl, we’ll take the Augundae Imperium.”

The taller of the two watched me with a burning rage designed to take the skin off my bones.

I spread my feet a little, getting a better fighting stance and balance. “Then you might as well come on and take your best shot. Because I’ve got more exams to take and you’re wasting my time.”

I rolled my shoulders in anticipation. Blood heating. Teeth bared for attack despite feeling like I was suffocating. Like my bones tightened in my chest.