I took her snap as a signal and released the last of the magic, allowing the image in my mind to scatter to nothing. At once the breath whooshed out of me, my head began to ache, and my legs nearly buckled. I bent over at the waist, resting my hands on my knees and working to re-inflate my lungs.
“Good job, Miss Alderidge,” Nitliffe stated. “It’s going to take me a bit of time to get everyone to calm down. You did well. Very well. I’d say you passed with flying colors. You’re a natural.”
I shuffled to the rear of the room to watch Cassady and the boys take their turns, my heart beating fast. I’d passed. Not only passed, but did well enough to earn the little note of awe I’d heard in the monitor’s voice.
Turned out I was insanely good at manipulation. It hadn’t even cost me much energy, or much magic, although I’d have to work on how much I expended and how to control and pace and maintain.
Yet…I wasn’t sure I was okay with being so good.
* * *
The next day, Headmaster Leaves called an assembly after lunch to announce the results of the first round of testing for our class. As though it were a huge and momentous occasion.
Another lottery down and who knew how many were left.
“Stop it!” Melia hissed. “You’re going to give me bruises. You’re too strong for your own good.”
“I’m sorry,” I apologized immediately. But I didn’t lift my hand, didn’t stop my fingers from digging into her arm as we waited for the news.
I’d made it into the top five. Which was a relief and a definite weight off of my shoulders. Mike, on the other hand…I wasn’t sure how he’d fared. He hadn’t told me about his test. No matter what I said or did he preferred to keep me in the dark. Almost like it was a joke to him.
Maybehefelt that way, but I needed to know. Had our study sessions paid off?
I worried for him.
Strange how I was almost going crazier waiting for his news than I’d been waiting for my own.
Holding my breath, I waited to see where Mike would fall in the lineup. He’d better make it through. Hemust. I didn’t want to do this without him, especially not with Melia leaving for Faerie in a few short months. Mike would remain as my only close friend and confidant, no matter the difference in our statuses. What would I do if he left and I was alone?
Probably focus much better on your studies, a snide voice in my head whispered.
I told it to shut up.
“You’re hurting me,” Melia whispered again, glancing down at where I still held her arm.
“I’m sorry! I can’t help myself.”
“It’s not such a big deal, Tavi,” Mike said from my other side. Very uncomfortable with my level of worry. “Don’t get worked up about me. I’ll be fine.”
I didn’t answer him. Because to me itwasa huge deal. I stuck my tongue out at him instead.
Mike was down the line thanks to his last name, and when they called him, I let out an audible sigh of relief.
He and I shared a smile.
“You made it!” I exclaimed.
“Because of you. I couldn’t have done any of this without you.”
Oh goodness, if he kept talking to me, I was going to lose it. As it was, a hysterical chuckle rose inside of me and I felt my cheeks warm.
“Stop. This is because you put in the time and the work. You earned it,” I told him.
He needed to stop smiling at me. If he kept it up—
Mike shook his head until those golden strands of hair fell over his eyes. “And modest, too.”
“Totally not true, but thanks.”