Page 27 of Faerie Gift

She leaned back to study me. “There’syour backbone. It’s going to serve you well in life, Tavi Alderidge, let me tell you.” The cigarette dangled as she laughed.

Barbara paused as though waiting for me to send another snappy remark her way. I bit the inside of my cheek to keep from responding. I didn’t have time for games. Not tonight. Not with her.

Finally, she sighed, leaning even farther back in the chair until it threatened to tip over. “Those exchange students, the ones from Canada? They have something I want. They brought it with them right across the damn border. What I can’t figure out is how they carried an artifact like that hidden in plain sight.”

I could feel my brow furrowing. “What is it?” I asked. Knowing I would hate the answer no matter what she said.

She pierced me with a sharp look. “TheAugundae Imperium.” Barbara rolled the name around in her mouth, going for crisp pronunciation though the syllables blurred together. “They intend to present the artifact to the king and queen upon entering Faerie. Some sort of gift or offering to help them stand out from the rest of the kids using the portal? I have no frickin’ clue why, really. Maybe the king just really wants to get his grubby paws on it and his old friend Cote simply had the Imperium stashed away.”

“Andyoujust happened to find out who had it and its final destination,” I supplied.

“Yes. I have my ways.” Barbara flicked the stub of her spent cigarette across the library and magically materialized a second one although she didn’t light it. “I’m ready for you to return your favor. I’m sure you can guess by now what I want.”

I didn’t need her to fill in the blanks for me or lead me to the correct answer like a horse with a rope. “You want me to get this artifact for you.”

She stared at me with a bored expression. “I thought it was clear,” she drawled. “You never struck me as the dumb sort.”

“What does the artifact do?” I had to know what kind of danger I’d be putting myself in to retrieve it for her.

Barbara rolled her eyes. “You’re asking an awful lot of questions for someone who doesn’t need to know. Your job is to get me what I want and pay your debt. End of story. Don’t worry about what it does or why I want it. Those aren’t the terms of our contract.”

Why did I feel like she’d backed me into a corner?

“And if I don’t get the Augundae Imperium?”

The dread inside of me mounted into the stratosphere at her viperous grin.

“Aw, little girl. You think you can outsmart me?”

“No, it’s simply another question.”

“You seem to be full of questions. What are you trying to do, Tavi Alderidge? Figure me out? Figure out a way to get out of the favor you owe me?”

I shook my head. “No. I’m trying to understand what’s going on. All things considered, don’t I deserve to know what kind of situation I’m heading into? If there is anything dangerous for me?”

“Honey, considerthis, then. I want the Augundae Imperium. And if you don’t get it for me, then I’ll tell the school what you really are. There’s your danger.”


Ididn’t sleep well, too worried about Barbara to lie still and quiet. My eyes refused to close and my brain whirred a million miles an hour. Despite the long shower I’d taken, I could have sworn I still smelled her cigarette smoke. Lingering behind. Following me wherever I went, as if to keep watch.

None of my bunkmates mentioned smelling it, so I knew it had to be my imagination. But I had a terrible feeling Barbara would keep a close eye on me until I got what she wanted.

The Augundae Imperium—whatever that was.

I felt like I’d jumped from the edge of the burning cauldron right into the boiling poison inside.

With the sun barely cresting the horizon, I ran to Melia’s room and slapped my fist down on her door. No matter that I was still in my pajamas. I’d waited long enough.

“Melia, it’s me. Please wake up. Please.” I continued to knock until she answered the door, bleary-eyed and doing her version of a stern frown. “I’m sorry! I’m really, really sorry.”

“Tavi, I know I said I was an early riser, but this is absolutely ridiculous. It’s barely dawn and I was up late.” She rubbed her eyes and stepped aside to let me through the door.

“It’s important, I promise.” I took a deep breath. “Barbarawas here.”

The name slapped the last of her sleep away and in an instant, Melia was awake and glaring at open air. “The bitch witch who gave you the hideous potion?”

I nodded slowly and collapsed on her bed with a groan. “She’s come to collect the favor I owe her and I don’t know what to do. Her price is impossible.”