Page 7 of Faerie Gift

Behind her stood three nearly identical fairy copies, all blond and skinny and perfect. Her little group ofmeanionshad flocked to her immediately upon her return. They were drawn to her side like little lemmings. That’s where Persephone thrived. She craved the attention and got it with relative ease.

“We do,” a half-human boy called out. “Let’s get on with it.”

I’d managed to kick some serious butt during our first game, getting more than a few panties in a twist. From the moment I arrived at the academy, my bunkmate and her friends decided they didn’t like me, and nothing I did could change their opinion. Winning Capture the Scroll the first time I played it did nothing to change their minds, especially since they’d expected me to fail. They had expected a spectacular screw-up.

Not gonna happen, not with myshifterreflexes. No matter what potion I took, what glamour I used to hide behind, my body reacted from muscle memory.

Let me explain some things. Although fae and shifters hated each other, they were nearly equally matched for athleticism in some ways. The fae were very strong with their magic and could use their connection to the earth and nature to amplify their bodies magically in times of physical need. Shifters, on the other hand, felt their connection to the earth and moon deep inside their bodies and instead of manifesting it as magic power, we physically transformed. Which made me faster than the average fae and thus very unpopular with my fellow classmates.

Mike flashed me a wide grin from across the way, winking. He knew how this game was played. He also knew no matter what the circumstances, I’d do well, although he didn’t really understand the whys of it.

The rules of the game were similar to those of Capture the Flag. Players try to grab the scroll before it hits the ground, all spells allowed, anything goes. Granted, we didn’t knowmuchat this point in our education, but some of us knew more than others.

I expected Persephone to play dirty. As usual, she didn’t disappoint.

“Go!” Persephone sent the scroll flying high with a gust of magic.

I twisted and kicked off the spongy grass to throw my body into the air. A flick of the wrist had the scroll flitting in my direction. I grabbed it before it landed, crouching and shooting Persephone a non-apologetic smile amidst the groans of my peers.

“Game point to me,” I told her with only a tiny bit of needling in my tone. Grabbing the lion by the tail, I knew, and her darkening expression confirmed it.

“Reset,” she snapped.

Again and again I took possession of the scroll. Kicking proverbial ass and a little literal ass as well. Persephone’s face grew redder and redder despite the rain and soon she didn’t bother looking at me at all.

I was going to pay for this stunt later, surely.

“You’re doing well,” Nora whispered to me as we ducked together. “Congratulations.”

“Thank you.”

Panting, I pushed rain-slicked hair away of my face, grateful for the French braid keeping most of the auburn strands out of my eyes.

I left the scroll in play a bit longer this round so the others could have some sport. And to see how far I could push Persephone. This became less of an easy game and more a personal one, to see what she could do.

Several of the others made a pass for it and failed, sending the roll of paper flying in the opposite direction and straight toward Persephone’s waiting palm. At the last moment I launched myself over the grass and grabbed the scroll out of the air. An instant before she could put her hand on it. I watched her lips twist in a scowl.

“I’m sorry,” I said on a rush of breath. Muscles sore but warm. Limber. Loose. Prepared to fight a little dirty myself.

“Not sorry enough” came her hissed reply. Her blue eyes narrowed into tiny slits.

I’d accused Persephone of being many things, andunderhandedwas definitely on the list. I wanted to push her, to see if she would react, but I didn’t realize the extent she would go to in order to come out on top.

“Game set,” she called out. “Reset in five.”

Walking away from her, I felt a twist of pressure at my back, traveling in a cold wave down to my ankle, and I tripped taking my next step. With a squeal, I went down on my knees with my muscles spasming.

My foot twisted painfully.

“What the heck?” Jerking around, I noticed the unnatural set of my ankle, and moments later a dull roar began to radiate from the area, spreading out and higher. I craned my neck to glare at Persephone. “What did you do?”

Her lips were pushed out in a pout, hands on her hips. “What’s the matter, Tavi?” she asked. “Are you getting tired? You stumbled a bit there.”

“YouknowI didn’t.”

“Sorry. Not my problem.” She shrugged before turning away.

Fuming, I tried to get up and staggered again when my body refused to hold me upright. Nope. I couldn’t put any pressure on my foot. The muscles didn’t want to do their job, magic keeping them locked out of place. Anytime I put even the slightest bit of weight on it my ankle wanted to twist again.