Page 57 of Faerie Marked

“Okay, maybe you guys can help me with something before we start,” Roman stated. He gathered a book out of the bag he carried over his shoulder and set it on the table between us. Dust rose and if I didn’t know any better, I’d say he’d never opened the thing. “I’m having a lot of trouble with my levitation spell.”

“You’re not in class with us at noon,” I replied, wanting clarity.

“No, mine is a little later in the day, at three. Same teacher though, so I figured it wouldn’t hurt to ask you for advice. One of us has to have an idea.”

“Your levitation game is weak, man,” Mike agreed. “I’ve seen you trying to figure things out in the dorm. I’m not sure one study session is going to help you improve but Tavi and I will do our best.”

I liked the way he linked our names together.

“Hey, I’m not ashamed to ask for help. Why do you think I’m here?” Roman wiggled his fingers over the tome like some kind of hoodoo would help him. “I’m not sure if my intonation is off or if my magic is not built for this kind of spell.”

“It’s a basic spell,” I said, adding my two cents. “At least, it’s a little easier than some of the other things they’re teaching us.”

Roman raised a brow. “Well, all right, Miss Know It All. If it’s such a basic spell then please show me how it’s done. I would like to see the master at work.”

At least this one I had in the bag. I was doing well in transfiguration class. Hopefully I’d be able to keep up the momentum tonight with an audience. This might be my opportunity to make up for what had happened earlier today with the crystal ball.

My strength for transfiguration might outweigh my lack of progress in divination.

“Stand back, boys, and prepare to be amazed.” I clapped my hands together and rubbed, preparing for the spell. I remembered the words as I’d practiced them over and over in the shower with my bar of soap.

This, at least, I knew how to do. I tried to summon the confidence I’d felt earlier when I lifted my book off the desk in class. Easily, without effort. Maybe I wasn’t such a loser with magic after all. Maybe I just needed practice finding my niche.

I closed my eyes and eased out a breath. And when I opened them, when I blew out the breath, Roman’s textbook shot ten feet into the air toward the top of the massive book shelves ringing us.

Mike and Roman followed its progress with their eyes.

“Wow,” Mike murmured.

Maybe I really was starting to come into my powers.About time.

I crooked a finger and the book flew back to me, landing softly on the desk, the pages fluttering open to the center, the dust gone.

“Okay, so maybe you aren’t completely hopeless,” Roman stated with a small, nearly silent clap.

“For some subjects, yeah, but not this one. Come on, Mike. Your turn now.”

Mike followed the same spell, used the same incantation. His book wobbled in front of him but did not rise. A few more minutes of agonized concentration had it moving four inches in front of his face and dropping down just as quickly.

I remembered his crystal ball divination earlier. How the image had blurred without ever forming into anything solid. I wondered if he was holding himself back to make me feel better. Mike was a full-blood Fae, preparing to rise to the position of king. He should be blowing my work out of the water easily.

“Hey, it was a great try,” I told him with an encouraging smile. Part of me softened. If he was holding himself back for my benefit…it made me like him even more.

But it was completely unnecessary.

Mike puffed out a breath and let the spell break. “See?” he told Roman when his book dropped and lay still. “This is why she’s in the top 25 while the rest of us struggle to catch up. And why she’s going to definitely make it to the next level.”

“I’m not doing as well as you think. The score was for the examinations,” I clarified. “If you take into account my classwork then I’m only in the top one hundred.”

“Top one hundred is still better than me. I’m currently stagnating. And only the top one hundred make it through to the next semester.” Mike pointed to his chest. “That’s why I need these study sessions. You think we’re here for you only? No way. Someone needs to whip me into shape and I think you have the discipline to do it.”

“Don’t worry. We’ll make sure you stay,” I fussed. “Although I’m not sure why you’re worried about it. You’re only here in the interest of goodwill and learning about your people, right?”

“Yeah, sure.” His smile went tight. “Still, it seems I don’t have nearly the natural aptitude you do. You are going to zip through the rest of the semester and pass on with flying colors. I have no doubt about it.”

“I’m glad one of us is doubtless. Because on a normal day I’m not sure why I’m here.” I smoothed my skirt because I couldn’t handle him looking at me any longer, especially with Roman dividing his attention between us with an all-knowing grin.

“You’re here because you work hard and you care about making your dreams come true,” Mike said. “Not everyone can claim the same. There are a lot of selfish people around.”