And here I’d thought this my safe space. My bubble of peace burst as Persephone glanced over and saw Mike and me sitting so close together. Her brows narrowed together, mouth smoothing out into a sharp line, but she kept moving to a different table with her girls in tow. Keeping eye contact with me until the last possible moment.
Mike cleared his throat, shifting back in his chair and shaking his head. Our moment was gone. “I guess I should get going. I have a test tomorrow in a different class,” he said. “Which means I need to rest and study.”
It was an excuse, I thought with a rush of embarrassment. A lame excuse to get out of kissing me. Maybe he didn’t think I noticed the way he refused to meet my eyes now.
But I did. And it hurt.
“I guess we didn’t get much studying in, did we?” I pointed down to our still-closed books. We hadn’t doneanystudying.
“No, I guess not. I’m sorry.”
Mike packed the rest of his books in his bag and hurried out of the library without looking back. I blew out a sigh, taking my time in gathering my books and papers. What was Idoing? Almost kissing the future king! I had a lot of nerve. Especially considering how I couldn’t be completely honest with him. He deserved honesty. He’d been nothing but open with me, open and helpful in every possible way when he didn’t have to be. A good friend through and through.
“What were you doing alone with Michael Thornwood?”
I jerked up to see Persephone staring at me. By herself, for once. She must have left the rest of her lemmings to fend for themselves. “It’s called studying,” I told her. “I’m sure you don’t need to worry about it but the rest of us do.”
Persephone shifted until her thigh cocked against the table to emphasize her full hips, her narrow waist, and the way the buttons of her white shirt strained against her ample bosom. She stared off into the distance with a contemplative smile I knew didn’t come naturally to her. “You know, the king has been closed off for years,” she said nonchalantly. “No one has seen him.Supersecretive. And now suddenly his only son has emerged from their remote castle to come to school here.”
“What are you trying to say?” I asked nastily. There had to be a point to this story I had missed. Persephone didnothingwithout a reason.
“I think there’s something wrong with him. With the monarchy in general. Just my opinion, mind you, but it seems strange. Why would a full-blooded Fae would want to attend a school for halflings? Why would he want to talk to and befriend half-breeds in general, considering the expectations for him? Think about it.” Persephone tapped the side of her head.
“I’m not interested in your theories—”
“Just be careful, Tavi,” Persephone said as a parting shot. “I think you should stay away.”
Stay away from the only boy I wanted?Never.
Despite my secrets, I knew I would rather lose a piece of myself than give up on my budding feelings for Mike, no matter how crazy it sounded.
Persephone only desired what I had, and would do whatever she could to get it. She definitely wanted Mike all to herself, I told myself the next morning as I brushed my hair without the aid of a mirror. She would do her best to drive a wedge between our friendship, then she could swoop in and steal him.
Persephone wanted it all. She wanted power; she wanted the prestige of royalty. It fit her nature and would be the next crowning achievement in her already blessed life. For some reason, she thoughtIstood in her way and she could clear me out with a few well-placed threats.
I stopped brushing with a sigh, dropping my head against the wall behind me and letting the stone cool my overheated skin. There was no way Icould have anything with Mike, if I were being realistic.
Who was I trying to fool? I was half werewolf, hated by the Fae. It didn’t matter we went to school together, that we were friends and studied and laughed together. That we’d almost kissed this afternoon. Almost.
Oh,those lips.
And look how badly I’d bungled things since I’d been here. I’d have to spend the rest of my life hiding no matter how things turned out.
I couldn’t tell Mike the whole truth about me because I’d be kicked out in an instant and thrown right back into Kendrick’s slimy grasp, and I would never allow it to happen. Not when I’d come this far already.
My schoolgirl crush on Mike would have to remain a pipe dream. A fantasy I entertained at night and told no one about. Let Persephone have him. I didn’t care.
Okay, Ididcare. I cared a lot.
Although she did bring up some good points…
I rapped the side of my head with the brush to clear it of those thoughts. No, shedidn’tbring up good points. She was a jealous rival and nothing else. Whatever was going on in Faerie with the king, I’d worry about it later. After I earned my spot there and found myself under his rule.
Walking into the divination lab the following day, I saw Mike at our usual table. He raised his hand with a warm wave and beckoned me over into my usual seat. As though nothing had happened between us.
Sure, if he wanted to play things this way, I was game. I could pretend nothing happened as well.