“Um...okay, so I just put an ad in the paper saying if anyone has a claim against the estate, they should come forward now or forever hold their peace. Or something like that. Right? Sounds simple enough. I think I can do that for my cousin’s sake.”
His smiled widened, but didn’t quite reach his eyes. “I’ve provided everything you need.” He handed her a thick folder. “When you file for probate, be sure to include a copy of the will, the death certificates, the probate petition, and any other relevant documentation you may acquire in the meantime. Some counties may allow you to file online, though it’s recommended that you seek the assistance of a lawyer. It could get a little...tricky.”
Her brow wrinkled. “How do you mean, tricky?”
“Well, according to New York succession law, biological children of the decedent are given full-fledged inheritance rights to their parents’ estate. In this case, now,youwould become the guardian.”
“Guardian? I don’t understand.”
Josh and his wife hadn’t had children. Right? She couldn’t remember if she’d received news of it or not. She also hadn’t realized they had moved back to New York.
Olympia opened the folder and focused on trying to read what exactly was coming her way with managing the estate. Her eyes blurred and she had a difficult time digesting the words. The table jarred with each kick of Renee’s feet.
“Sweetheart, do you think you could stop that for a minute?” she asked softly.
“She has a listening problem,” Marvin answered.
She glanced up, brows drawing together. “You mean she can’t hear?”
“Oh no, Renee can hear. She simply chooses not to pay attention.” He slid a final page toward her, and ifshe’dbeen paying attention, she would have seen the glint in his eyes. “One more.”
“All right.”
Renee’s eyes, a bit wary as they studied her, suddenly widened when she opened her mouth and said, “I feel sick.”
“Oh, I’m—” Olympia began.
“I just need your initials on this one—here—then you’re free to go.”
She scribbled something on the last paper, her attention focused on the little girl. “Marvin, correct me if I’m wrong, but your granddaughter doesn’t look good. She’s gone pale. Maybe you want to take her to the bathroom.”
He collected the papers, shoved them into his briefcase and closed it with a click. “She had nothing but candy on the plane. I’m not surprised she’s feeling the effects. And I’ve mentioned before, she’s not my daughter. Or my granddaughter. She’s your ward now. As executor of the will and fiduciary conservator, you are her guardian until she comes of age to inherit. You were selected as her legal guardian through Joshua Salant’s last will and testament.”
The reality of the situation hit home then, exploding through the haze of her mind. Olympia felt her stomach plummet into her shoes, through the hotel foundation, and straight down into the depths of the earth. “No. No sir. No, no, no sir!” she exclaimed. “You can’t just foist a child on me. No one had this conversation with me. I didn’t even know theyhada child!”
“Renee is Joshua’s only child, and it’s fallen to you to become her full-time caregiver and guardian. You signed the papers. The courts have already agreed to your guardianship.” Marvin refused to meet her gaze now.
That explained the glint, the no-good son of a bitch. “Yes, but I had no idea what I was signing.” She got to her feet, hands on the table. “You rushed me. This is ridiculous.”
“You should have read the fine print, Mrs. Trumbald. It’s all signed and legal now.”
Trying frantically to divide her attention between Renee and Marvin, Olympia pushed away from the table. “You can’t just leave me here with a baby. I have no idea what to do with her. I’m not prepared for this!”
“All due respect, ma’am, but we’ve concluded our business, and I’m late for a luncheon meeting with my partners. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact my secretary.”
“Marvin, you piece of—”
She whirled around at the sound of gagging. Renee opened her mouth and all that came out was pink. Bright cotton-candy-pink vomit as everything she’d eaten over the last few hours was expelled, barfed unceremoniously onto the plush hotel carpet by Olympia’s neat brown suede heels.