Was it only yesterday?
“Here’s a copy of the papers, Mrs. Trumbald, filed improperly by your lawyer.” Ms. Marshal held out a manila-colored folder. “We apologize for the short notice, but the judge was going out of town and wanted the matter settled immediately.” She shifted Renee on her hip, and Olympia’s heart broke when the little girl reached out her arms to be taken. “You have twenty-four hours to appeal. As of right now, you are no longer the child’s legal guardian and the court feels it is better to place her under CPS custody.”
Olympia strode forward and tried to take Renee from Ms. Marshall, only then noticing a second CPS person sitting on the couch. The man stood to block her progress toward the baby with a less-than-friendly professional smile.
“You’re taking her away from her home, after losing both her parents, because something wasn’t filed properly? You have to be kidding!” She glared at the man, with his balding cue-ball head and fake smile. What was there to smile about? “Give me my baby.”
“Ma’am, please. We already talked to your babysitter.”
Olympia turned her glare toward Harlan, only then realizing the defeated set of his shoulders. The drying streaks running from his eyes to his cheeks.
“This can’t be happening. Give her to me!”
“Oly!” Renee cried out, her arms extended and her little hands clutching air.
Baldy shook his head and his smile remained firm. “Please try to stay calm. I suggest you contact your lawyer.”
The brunt of her ire fell on Harlan. “I thought you said you sent in the paperwork?”
“I did! I faxed it.” They turned in unison when both man and woman from CPS gathered their things and made for the door. “Renee!”
“You can’t take her,” Olympia insisted. Baldy blocked her and Harlan while his coworker strode past them, Renee in her arms, toward the front door.
“We’ll be in touch. I assure you, Mrs. Trumbald, she’s in good hands. She’ll be fine,” Ms. Marshall assured her.
“Oly,please!” Her last word ended in a tear-filled screech, breaking Olympia’s heart to hear it.
Olympia pushed against Harlan, pushed against the stranger holding her back, struggling to get them both out of the way. “Give her back to me. Give her back!” She grabbed Harlan’s arm in a claw-like grip. “Oh my God, Harlan, where are they taking her?”
“Ma’am, please step back. I don’t want to have to call the authorities,” Baldy threatened. “If you will not maintain proper distance then I will be forced to make the call.”
Olympia stepped away, holding her hands up to her shoulders, palms out. “I’m going to fix this, sweet pea,” she called out.
Once the woman was out the door with Renee, the man let them pass, both Olympia and Harlan running toward the car.
“Oly, no. No!” Tears ran down the girl’s cheeks. She continued to reach for Olympia as the social worker carried her toward the Lincoln. “Oly!”
“I’m going to fix this. I’ll get you back. I promise!” She watched the woman buckle Renee into a car seat and then the slamming doors cut off the sounds of her cries. The car reversed out of the driveway and she followed its movement down the street and out of sight before turning to Harlan. She couldn’t help herself when she reached out to slap at him. “How could you let this happen?” she screamed.
He caught her arms in his hands to stop her from pounding on his chest. “I’m sorry! I tried to take care of it but...but you heard what the social worker said. She said it was Bower who didn’t file the correct paperwork. We have twenty-four hours to try to get her back.” He gazed pleadingly at her. “Don’t you think I’m just as upset as you are? We’ll get her back.”
“There is nowe. There never was.” Olympia jerked her arms out of his grip and swiped furiously at her eyes. “Get out of here, Harlan. I can’t look at you.”
“You don’t understand—”
She turned to him with fire churning inside of her. “Get out of here! I’ll handle this myself. Like I always do. You’ve done nothing but make a mess.”
Then she remembered Mrs. Nunez next door and, torn, turned in a circle in her front yard. Dropped to her knees and screamed out as loudly as she could. A disturbed flock of birds took wing from the bare maple tree in her front yard.
Mama was hurt.
The fundraiser was tomorrow.
And her baby was gone.