Harlan could hardlybelieve it when Olympia put in her notice the following day. She broke it to him just before dismissing him for the night, stress weighing her shoulders down yet relief tangible on her face.
He felt his eyes widen, the corners of his mouth lift, and he gave in to the desire to kiss her before he could stop himself. One moment she was on the other side of the table dropping her briefcase in a chair, the next his tongue was in her mouth. She might have pushed him away had Renee been anywhere around. But the kid was in the den watching cartoons. It was the perfect opportunity to give in to his desire.
She’d responded in kind, looping her arms around his shoulders and nearly steaming the socks off his feet. Then giddily laughed as she described the look on her boss’s face when she’d given him her notice.
Unfortunately, her upcoming resignation changed the entire dynamic between Harlan and Olympia. She was determined to go out with a bang, to make her last few weeks with the gallery count, including ensuring the success of the fundraiser. She considered it her final hurrah, and her dedication was breathtaking. Until it began to impact the rest of the household.
And by that he meant himself and the baby.
“You’re leaving early again this morning?” he asked, hating but unable to prevent the trace of a whine in his tone.
It was just shy of five a.m. and he’d spent the night in her arms. She’d taken great pains to insist it couldn’t happen again, but he prided himself on his ability to wear her down. Wear her down and get her to admit she enjoyed his company. More than enjoyed.
Olympia sat down on the bed with her arms behind her, snapping the two sides of her bra together. “I have to. There are so many things I need to do before this fundraiser. I can’t let everyone else do it for me. Less than two weeks before the big day.”
“Isn’t this the exact reason why you decided to quit?” He knew he was pushing her. Then he leaned forward to kiss her and soften the blow.
She obliged, although when he leaned back to search her face, a faint line had formed between her brows. “Yes, but I want to make sure this is the best damn fundraiser they’ve ever seen. I want to go out knowing they’ll miss me.”
“Ooh, I like the way you think. Have them pining over you.”
“Exactly. They need to know they’ll never have another coordinator who will kick ass the way I did. Carl might not have appreciated me the way he should have, but he’ll miss me, I guarantee it. Now, will you please get dressed and make it look like youdidn’tspend the night here? I don’t want Renee to get any ideas about us.”
“You do realize she’s four, right? She is definitely smart for her age but I doubt she’ll know we’re sleeping together. She doesn’t know what it means.”
“No, but she might start thinking we’re her new mommy and daddy. And that—”
“Is something you can’t allow. I got it.”
Harlan did his best to not feel lightheaded when he pushed up and swung his legs over the opposite side of the bed. A man could get used to this, he thought. Spending the night in the arms of a gorgeous woman and waking up next to her in the morning. And the only woman he wanted for the job was the one who wanted to maintain her distance.
What a bummer.
“I’ll be back around seven tonight,” she told him, dragging a pale white slip over her head. “You’re all right to handle three square meals today?”
“I guess I’ll have to deal, as long as you don’t mind if I run to the store for a few groceries.” He thought about the meals he’d had planned and knew there were a few items missing.
“Then I guessI’llhave to deal.” She leaned back for one more kiss before pushing up and slipping into a dress the color of spring leaves.
“I figure Renee and I can work on some math today,” he said.
“Whatever you feel is necessary. I leave it to your discretion. At least she’s feeling better.”
Renee had gotten over her cold rather quickly, he was happy to say, although Olympia had put the kibosh on going back to Harlan’s family’s house for dinner. She said it was too much excitement for a little immune system to handle. He was beginning to wish she had just walked out on her job instead of giving three weeks’ notice, but nothing he said could sway her from her commitment, although it was getting hard on them. Renee had gotten closer to Olympia, finally, but the long days away were a strain.
“I know she’d really like it if you were able to put her to bed tonight.”
“I’m not sure I’ll make it back in time,” Olympia replied. She stared at her reflection in the mirror before dragging a comb through her hair.
“She feels like you’re ignoring her.”
Olympia sighed. “She has to understand this is only temporary. When we’re done with this fundraiser, then I’ll be able to put her to bed every night. Until thenshewill have to deal.”
He forced a laugh. “Do you know how hard it is to tell a four-year-old to deal? She wants you. Sheneedsyou.”
“She’ll haveyou, which is going to have to be good enough.”
The conversation was going nowhere. Harlan got dressed and kept his gaze on the floor, on his feet, on the clock. Ten minutes past five. It was going to be a long day.