Page 12 of Hold My Heart

“I’m sure it would,” Olympia argued. “However, until I’m able to be present with you, I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to drive her anywhere by yourself.”

His hands went to his hips. “Then how do you expect me to get the groceries?”

“I’ll get the groceries.” She swallowed and tried not to stare at him when he bent to pick up the cup Renee threw forcefully onto the floor.

It was too difficult not to stare. He was lean, and a little under six feet. The scrappiness of his build hid most of the muscles and the broadness of his shoulders. She pictured him more as a back-alley brawler than a child-care provider. Even though he did look awfully cute as he wiped up spilled milk with a paper towel.

“You expect me to sit in the house all day with her? That won’t be very productive.”

She shook her head. “I don’t care. I’m not sure I can trust you yet and I’d feel much better if you confined your activities to the house. Full stop. If you can walk to the park, then that’s fine, but I don’t want her getting in a car with you.”

“What about in an emergency?” he pushed, tossing the paper towel into the trash.

“Then you’ll call me from work and I’ll get here as soon as possible. I’m just down the road.”

“Olympia, you’re going to have to trust me. If you want me here to help you, then let me do my job. You can’t hamstring me right off the bat,” he said reasonably.

“Yes, I can. And if you don’t like it, then you can leave.”

He strode off toward the stove, leaving Olympia biting her lip and wondering if she’d been too hard. He couldn’t be thrilled with her. As soon as she was sure Harlan would be the upstanding picture he presented, then she might consider letting him take Renee places in his car. Until then...until then, he would have to acquiesce to her wishes.

He dumped the cooked rice into the soup, and she noticed that the three layers of dirty dishes she’d been fighting since Monday were gone.

“I took care of them,” he answered without turning around. Reading her mind again. “And I put away the clean ones.”

She simply nodded. “Fine. Thank you.” Then silence descended as he stirred the soup and Renee apparently discovered she could eat green beans with her fingers. Finally, she couldn’t take the silence anymore. “Are we going to have a problem, Harlan? Because I refuse to tiptoe around in my own house. Things are hard enough—”

Renee sent her plate flying, crashing into the kitchen cabinet, strewing uneaten vegetables across the floor, her expression surly.

The sound jolted Olympia and sent her own spoon clattering to the floor.Perfect.

When she glanced over at Harlan again, he was clearing up the mess with a smile on his face. “No problem, Olympia. Whatever you say. I have this covered.”

His reaction shocked her and for a moment she sat in her seat with her mind blank and the words in her throat dried. Then her eyes narrowed.

She hated condescension. If he was simply placating her, then she had no choice but to retaliate. They’d have to see where things went, but if he continued questioning her judgment when it came to was war.