Page 63 of In the Dark

“No, darling, it isn’t too fast. Because I’ve known you for a lifetime. And loved you just as long.”

Morgan bent and kissed her gently at first. Centuries ago he’d learned to be patient. To wait for the things he wanted, for they would be his in due time.

He couldn’t wait any longer. The more he touched, the more he found he could not contain himself. Fisting his hand in her hair, he pulled her more firmly against him and watched her head fall back as her body clenched.

He’d become accustomed, in the real world, to seeing her eyes through an obscuring veil of black. Now they were light and he saw her as she truly was. Those pupils were a dazzling array of colors, drawing him into their depths and holding him down like a chain. Desire lay heavy in their depths, her skin already slick with sweat.

Her fingernails raked his torso. Morgan covered her body with his own. She felt the hardness against her inner thighs.

Morgan nudged her legs aside and tickled her womanhood with his thumb and forefinger, worshiping her. He moved her to incredible heights as he explored her, reading the changes in her countenance and driving her toward greater pleasures. Her breath came in gasps as he slid a single finger into her moist heat. She clenched around him and moved ever higher until she stood at the edge of a precipice.

“Let go,” Morgan whispered, flicking his tongue along the plane of her neck.

Karsia did that, unable to contain herself. With snow falling around them she came, her body releasing in a great flood of emotion.

She’d never felt that way before, had never been comfortable enough with a man to let herself be so carried away. After experiencing it tonight, she would never be satisfied with anyone else. It could only be Morpheus.

She tried to embark on her own exploration of him and she reached down to clasp him in her hand. He seemed incredibly big and full, and for a nervous moment she worried about pushing the boundaries of her physical limitations.

Picking up on her discomfort, Morgan silenced her fears with a kiss. “We were made for each other. I have never known the love of a woman like you in all of my centuries of walking in mortals’ dreams. Whatever fears you have, let them go. We fit together.”

“Then I trust you.”

Karsia opened herself to him. Morgan steeled himself as he fought for control. She wanted him to let go the way she had. To join her in the release. Wrapping her legs around his torso, she arched against him and urged him forward.

“Now. Please. I need you.”

Morgan poised over her and captured her gaze, blood rushing to his lower extremities as everything in him roared forward to claim her.

“I need you,” she whispered again.

Morgan buried his aching erection inside her and slid carefully out, hearing the sounds of her pleasure echo in his ears. Her hips rose to meet him thrust for thrust. She was like nothing he’d ever experienced before.

Fierce desire brought them together and allowed them this moment. He wanted to cherish it and go slow. Not possible. There was no way to contain himself when fire coursed through him.

“Let go,” she said, her tone deep and echoing his earlier words.

It ignited his lust until Morgan was afraid he would push her too far. His wings poised above him as if ready to dive in an attack. Unable to fight himself, Morgan lifted her rear to meet him. Over and over again she met him, joined him in his revelry. They danced together until he could no longer contain his response.

The half-god held his witch close to his chest until he’d poured himself into her, her name on his lips and stolen peace in his heart.