Page 10 of Morning's Light

“And how do you know where my apartment is?”

“How long have we known each other? You’ve had me deliver mail when you were out of town. Or have you forgotten?”

“Oh, jeez. Ignore me tonight. I’m obviously out of my mind.”

“I’m glad I stayed late.”

“If you act any more concerned,” she told him softly, “you’re going to make me twitchy.”

“Never worked on you before,” he countered.

His jest had the desired effect when her lips drew up in a small smile.

They drove in silence toward her place. She didn’t question how he maintained a consistent five miles per hour below the speed limit. He wanted to speak, to offer some sort of platitude to help her feel better. He kept his thoughts to himself and felt the weight of her gaze on him for those first few miles. Then her exhaustion became too much to handle. She closed her eyes and Elon listened to her breathe.

Nothing was the way he’d expected it to be.

At last, he pulled up to the curb in front of her building. “Do you want me to walk you to the door?”

“No. Thank you. I appreciate you finding me. Driving me home.”


They said their goodnights and she felt him watch her while she walked to the front door. You are a tough cookie, she reminded herself.

She managed the three flights of stairs without assistance and let herself into the apartment, closing the door behind her. The familiar scents and sights of her space were a balm.

There she gave in to her exhaustion and sank to the floor.

She fell asleep, keys in hand and her head resting on the wood.