It seemed like forever before she pulled up in front of Elon’s house. She took a deep breath and cut the engine. This was her path. Her man. And she would not let anyone, or anything, take the opportunity away from her.
She knocked solidly on his door, bringing her fist down again and again. The sound of footsteps drew closer until locks slid out of place and she heard Elon through the wood.
“All right, all right, I’m coming! Hold your horses.”
The last bolt turned and she was rewarded with the sight of his unruly dark brown hair. The small curl over his forehead had her heart turning over, flipping in her chest. She fought back a happy, bubbly giggle.
This was it, she decided. This was what it felt like to be in love.
“Aisanna? Do you have any idea what time it is?” He hung back, eyeing her warily without moving.
“I’m sorry, I know it’s early. You were probably still asleep. Weren’t you?” She bit her lip, fidgeting lightly under his stare.
“No, I was mowing the lawn.” He scowled at her. “Yes, I was asleep. It’s seven o’clock in the morning.”
Ouch, yes, she deserved that. “I know you probably don’t want to see me, but do you mind if I come inside?” He hesitated, and she continued a bit playfully. “You aren’t the type of man to leave a woman out in the cold, are you?”
“Sure, play on my hospitality,” he said tentatively. Elon swept his arm out to invite her inside. “I wouldn’t dream of it.”
Aisanna shivered, more from excitement than anything else. She had so much to tell him, so much he would need to hear. Would want to hear, if everything worked out in her favor. She kicked off her boots before entering the living room and sitting down on the couch.
Elon remained standing, looking disheveled and adorable in his blue flannel pajamas. Blue was his color, bringing out the richness of his eyes.
He scratched the back of his neck and looked at her, making herself comfortable as she shed her coat.
“Aisanna, you know I’m usually happy to see you whenever, wherever. But the last time we were together did not end well for me. You have to excuse me if I’m a little confused. Why would you show up on my doorstep now without calling first?”
“There are some things I need to tell you.”
“And it couldn’t wait? Is this an emergency?”
“No, it’s nothing like that.”
“Then maybe we can schedule a better time to talk. I mean, come on. I don’t feel comfortable with this right now.”
She held her hands on her lap, openly staring into his handsome, terrible face. “I know there’s nothing I can say to make it better, and I’d take back what I did if I could. I acted like a fool and I know that now.”
“I have to say, you really hurt my feelings. How could you choose him? Especially after the—” He stopped, sucking in a deep breath. “After the night we shared.”
A small blush rose up to color his neck before he could stop it.
“Our night together was beautiful, Elon. And I am sorry. Really. I should never have said such horrible things. It doesn’t help that I was coming from a good place. A place where I wanted to protect you.”
“It’s not your call, Aisanna,” he said softly. “I can protect myself. It’s not up to you to decide how I live my life. You shouldn’t lead me on like that if you aren’t sure."
“I know.”
“You shouldn’t have let me believe I was special to you. You should have been more considerate of my feelings, which I’ve always been open about.”
“I know.”
“And you shouldn’t have—”
“Elon, I know!” She cut him off before he reached the end of his harangue. “Sit, please, and let me tell you why I’m here.”
A sane man would have told her to get out. Stood firm in his resolve. But this was Aisanna. It always came down to that. She was Aisanna Cavaldi, and no matter what she said, what she did, he would love her until death drew the last breath from his body.
“Of course.” He sat next to her, resting his hand loosely on hers. “Go on.”