Page 83 of Morning's Light

She had a sick feeling in her gut that the worst was yet to come.

“Karsia will be here soon,” she repeated, “and we’ll figure out where to go from here. This needs to end.”

“You’re telling me,” Aisanna said solemnly. “What are you planning to do?”

“I don’t know yet. But something is better than nothing.” Astix paused. “Prepare yourself. Whatever we do tonight, we may not come back from. I hope…I hope you made things right. With your human.”

Aisanna took her time before answering, agonized at what she’d had to do to Elon in the name of protection. “I did what I had to do. I’m ready.”

Astix hated to leave the warm confines of her new house. There was something about the property, or perhaps the solitude of it, that put her at ease. She’d fallen in love with it the first time Leo brought her out here. Somehow, he’d known exactly what she needed, what they both needed, and the deed was signed and in her hands before the end of the week. He considered it an early wedding present. Yeah, the man insisted they get married. He was a real monster.

She wrapped herself in the comfortable layers of her coat and contemplated the journey ahead. Their night was only beginning. Already an idea formulated in her head although no one was going to like what she put forth.

“Just stay here,” she warned. “Try to relax.”

“I really do appreciate everything you’ve done for me.”

“I know. Most important, don’t contact anyone. Don’t say or do anything that’s going to jeopardize your position here. However you left things with…what’s his face…Elon, leave them be.”

“Do I look stupid to you?” Aisanna asked.

No, Astix thought, she looked like she was in love. And love made fools of everyone.