“To what do I owe this unexpected visit?” She drew the lapels of her coat closer and crossed her arms over her chest. No one offered a hand to shake in greeting.
“There has been talk, Miss Cavaldi, of a developing phenomenon of an alarming nature. I’m sure you are aware of what happened to your brother last month. Your sister.”
Orestes moved to examine the cooler and the fresh blooms stored inside. He trailed a finger over the glass while he spoke, without bothering to look at her.
“I’m aware,” she answered simply.
“One thing I’m not sure you’ve realized yet. The Claddium has a vested interest in finding the Harbinger witch.”
Aisanna started. “To help stop the thinning veil? How magnanimous of you.”
“Don’t concern yourself with our motives, Miss Cavaldi,” Zelda answered for him. “Think of your own safety. What you can do to help us achieve our goals. We need your cooperation.”
Miss Vuur looked like an avenging pixie and sounded like a bulldog. The deep, husky voice seemed at stark odds to her pleasant demeanor. Sparks crackled off her skin in evidence of her magic.
“If you would tell me why you’re here, then maybe I’d be better equipped to answer your questions,” Aisanna countered. “I’d rather not beat around the bush.” False bravado helped many a fool, she knew.
Zelda stepped forward, her hands in her pockets and her gaze cast to the floor. A witch version of Agent Scully. “We’re concerned about your proximity to the source. We’ve received multiple reports about your mental well-being. We have questions for you.”
“I’m sure I don’t know what you mean.” If only she’d had the warning to prepare something. Orestes and Zelda had the upper hand in catching her unawares. “Or if it’s any of your business what I do.”
“Look, Miss Cavaldi, let’s be frank.” Orestes sent her a second smile, one he surely reserved for dealing with ignorant underlings. “We’d like to take you in for questioning. Pick your brain and see how you and your family have been impacted by rogue magic. Perhaps you’d like to see your brother.”
Adrenaline surged through her veins and Aisanna was overwhelmed with the need to flee. If the Claddium took her into the Vault, she wouldn’t come out again. “Is that what the Claddium is about now? Questioning innocent people when rogue magic is causing chaos among our peers?” Aisanna remained stoic and tried to consider her chances to get away without damage. She widened her stance, arms at her sides and fingers flexed. Her magic flared once in preparation.
“There is no need for a standoff. We’re friends, aren’t we?” Orestes tried to smile. The corners of his mouth appeared uncooperative. “We’ve had the opportunity to meet several times in the past, after all.”
There it was, the I’m a nice guy connection every dictator in history had tried to push and failed.
“Especially considering that your sister is…your sister and my son…they’re…” Orestes had a difficult time finishing his sentence, fumbling over the words and looking like he’d swallowed a rock.
“They’re involved.” Aisanna took pleasure in saying it and watching a small muscle tick above his upper lip. “In love. Engaged. Fucking. Saying it out loud doesn’t make it any less real.” It tickled her when his face paled. She could practically see an ulcer bursting in his stomach.
Orestes snarled. “However, I like to think we can reach a cordial agreement.”
“If you and she are here, I doubt there’s anything cordial about this meeting. You’ll have to pardon me.” Aisanna shook her head and moved back until the counter separated the three of them.
“After the little mishap last month, we’ve been keeping a close eye on you and your family,” Orestes told her, taking his turn in delighting in her shock. “Now, with your latest acts, we’re concerned.”
“My acts?”
She went cold. They knew about Elon, she was sure of it. How? “If you’re talking about the other night, then I can tell you I took care of things.”
“Took care of things. Explain,” Zelda demanded.
Aisanna threw her hands up. They were going to fry her for this. There was no way to deny her guilt if they already knew. “I talked to him about what he saw. He was a little hesitant to believe at first and pretty much assumed we were both nuts. I explained how things worked and he was fine with it. Eventually. He won’t be a problem.”
She was hesitant to say his name. If she couldn’t protect herself, she could at least keep him out of it. “The human who knows about us.”
Zelda and Orestes shared a look between them and Aisanna’s insides dropped to her shoes. “You told a human what you are? With the uncontrolled magic out there before the eclipse, you broke a cardinal rule?”
Oh, dammit. They hadn’t meant Elon. Aisanna felt the ground beneath her feet opening up into a large hole of her own making, plummeting deeper by the second. “No. No, that was a joke. I was testing you.”
“Then tell us about the man from the club and stop playing games. We want honesty.”
Zelda was a woman of little patience and less tolerance for bending rules. She stared across the space at Aisanna with a gaze designed to burn holes in the flesh. From the rumors on the street, she knew Zelda was the Claddium’s big gun. They brought her out at the last minute to get the job done.