“Nearly chomping my lip off wasn’t enough?” Elon chuckled at his own joke until he realized she was not answering. “Do you…do you really want to hurt me?” he asked hesitantly.
She nodded. “Yes, I do.”
His response was slow to come. “Oh.”
“Please. It’s better for you to leave while you have the chance.”
“Is this about you being a witch?”
“No, it’s not,” she began. It was a clear lie. “I’ve had some time to think and I decided it was a really poor idea, coming on to you the way I did. It was indecent and I took advantage of you. That’s why I have to end it, and that’s why I think you need to leave.”
“Whoa, take it easy.” Elon took time to consider his response, standing his ground but sinking lower and lower. “You hurt me because you want to break up with me?” He shook his head. “No. I can hear it in your voice. This has something to do with the problem you refuse to tell me about. Do you still think I’ll tell someone about your secret? I think I’ve proven myself to be trustworthy. I know something bad is going on because the woman I saw staring at me from your face just now? It wasn’t you. It wasn’t you, Aisanna, so do me a favor and be honest with me.”
“Just back off, Elon!” Aisanna drew on the best emotion she could in order to get the job done. It came to her too easily, anger at herself, at the situation. Although she hated doing it, it was a simple thing to direct it toward Elon instead. “I didn’t want to do it this way but you need to listen. This was fun while it lasted but it’s over. Done.”
“It was more than a game to you,” he said slowly. “I know it, and you know it too.”
“You’re deluding yourself. It was sex, nothing more. You’re a good fuck, Elon, but that’s over now. So please, just…just go.”
That stopped him. “This has something to do with me finding out about your magic, doesn’t it? Because I’m a normal guy. Human, you said. Let me guess, your family doesn’t want you to see me. Am I right?” He slapped his hands on his thighs. “I am right. I can see it on your face.”
“It’s not—” She paused before continuing. “Please try to understand. It isn’t about you. It has never been about you. It’s about me.” Aisanna shook with the effort of keeping herself standing. Suddenly it seemed too much. “I’m…I’m not myself. I made a mistake and we both know it. Please, let’s be adults about this. I’ll take care of the rest of your work tonight if you never bring this up again. Okay?”
“No, it’s not okay. It’s not okay at all, Aisanna.” Elon shifted, his footsteps heavy. He clenched and unclenched his hands. He wasn’t the fighting type; he instead preferred to find an amicable way to a solution. But there she was, looking like heaven in front of him in contrast to the hell he felt inside. Telling him it was over when it clearly hurt her to do so. “You need to at least tell me the real reason.”
“What real reason?” She gestured emphatically, willing him to understand. “You’re too dense to realize I’ve already told you!”
He narrowed his gaze questioningly. “This didn’t come out of nowhere.”
“Drop it, please.” She turned away to hide whatever emotions flashed across her face.
Elon watched her loop the buttons of her coat over and over again. When he spared a closer look at her, he noticed the warning signs. The signs cautioning him of her unbalanced state. She was too pale. Her eyes too wild and her long hair too limp. This wasn’t the woman he knew.
“I deserve a real explanation for you jerking me around.” His hurt lip throbbed in time with his hurt heart.
Her hands fluttered over her chest. “I need some air.”
“You came on to me. Remember?” Elon followed her out the front door, listening to the bells tinkle against the glass. To make his point, he jabbed himself in the chest with his index finger. “I asked you multiple times if sleeping with me was what you really wanted. You said yes. You. Said. Yes,” he repeated.
She winced. He hated the harshness of his statement. He hated knowing he wasn’t worth her honesty. Nonetheless, Elon persisted. “And now you have the nerve to tell me it was nothing? You’re gonna avoid looking me in the eyes while you cut me off at the knees and ask me to leave? You bit my fucking lip. I know you’re not yourself.”
“You know what? I don’t owe you an explanation.” She turned to him, her breath frozen in front of her face, her nostrils pinched and white. “It’s a family matter. I’ll ask you one more time to go home before this gets embarrassing. If the end of our little one-time tryst is going to be an issue for you…” She took a breath. “If this is going to be an issue, then there’s no need to bother coming back to work.”
Her expression was serious. Intensely empty. There he was, with his heart racing and sweat beading on his brow, feeling the earth open up beneath his feet. “You’re unbelievable.” His hands floated up and he let them fall to his sides. “I know you feel something for me.”
He crossed to her in three strides and took her face in his hands, let her see his desperation, the depth of his emotions. His passion for her.
Unbidden, she moved against him. Her body betrayed her words every time.
“Try and tell me there’s nothing there, Aisanna,” he whispered against her skin. The tips of his fingers moved over her cheekbones.
He knew she’d made up her mind before he finished his statement, and there wasn’t a damn thing he could do about it. He’d never been the type of person to give up before. His years of working for her was a testament to his tenacity.
But he saw the resolve on her face. She’d decided on him. This was the end of the line.
She trembled at his mandate, opened her mouth to respond. The sound of another voice interrupted them.
“Aisanna! Babe! I’m sorry, I got distracted while I was waiting for you.”