When he rose Monday morning, Elon did it with vigor and vitality. With a spring in his step. Arching and stretching, he moved to the kitchen for breakfast. Starving.
Then he dressed for work, adding a bright spot of color with red suspenders. If Aisanna came in to work today, she’d be surprised. She’d probably make a joke and tease him about his 1920s fashion choice. Elon didn’t mind. He liked knowing the smile on her face came because of him.
As he drove to work, he couldn’t help but replay the weekend in his mind. Especially that last part. She didn’t yet know—or acknowledge—what she felt toward him, and he was okay to wait her out. He was in love with her. And he was damn sure willing to bet that underneath her cool and calm exterior, she was in love with him, too. Elon felt for certain that given time their romance would continue, would blossom and grow into a lasting relationship.
And that put a smile on his face that didn’t go away, even when he got to the shop and found her other full-time employee, Johan, waiting at the back door.
“You didn’t have to come in this early. You aren’t scheduled until twelve.” Elon jingled his keys and let them both inside.
“Didn’t see much point to sitting around at home when I could be here getting paid.” Johan folded his arms across his rounded chest. It was his way of looking intimidating, Elon knew. And at six-foot-three, that wasn’t hard. “Boss lady gonna be here?”
“She’s…” Elon let the syllable hang in the air, wondering what he should say. “She’s probably not feeling well, still recovering from the accident. It might be just us today.”
Johan harrumphed. It was a normal thing with him. He considered himself to be a crotchety old man, played it up in fact, which gave him leave to say and do whatever he pleased without thought of any repercussions. Most of the people they worked with found him brusque and hard to like. Elon merely took everything Johan said with a grain of salt.
“What did you get into this weekend?” Johan worked his way inside and chewed enthusiastically on the inside of his cheek. “Something spectacular?”
Elon allowed himself a secret smile. “Hardly.” He took off his coat and got ready for work. “Nothing too exciting. I checked the email. Mr. Massey wants to send his daughter some flowers. She just had a baby, his first grandchild. He’s thinking something tasteful and classic without being tacky.”
“I’ll get it started. And don’t think I didn’t notice how you avoided my question.” Johan adjusted his glasses. “So, you and Aisanna didn’t get into anything?”
“Why would we?” Elon shot him a withering look. “You have an overactive imagination.”
“No, I have eyes. And I know from experience that when someone avoids a question it usually means I’m right on the money. I see the way you’ve been making goo-goo eyes at her. Makes me sick.” Johan wagged a finger. “I can hardly get my work done the way you two carry on.”
“Yeah, right.” Elon snagged a vase and a carton of natural raffia. “You’re going senile, old man.”
“And you’re too young to be cynical.” Deliberately, Johan grabbed a stool and scooted closer to where Elon was working. “Come on, kid. Give me the details. You know you can’t pull one over on me. I want to know.”
“Nope,” Elon answered coolly. “There’s nothing to tell. And besides, you’re talking about your boss in a very disrespectful way.”
“Ah, you’re dull.”
“And you’re nosy.”
“I will tell you, from my many, many years of personal experience, if you are serious about the girl, you need to get a handle on her. She’s not the kind of woman you can rush into things with and expect nothing but peaches and roses. You got me?”
To shut him up, Elon answered, “Sure. I got you.”
He spent the rest of the day pointedly avoiding the conversation just to prove to Johan he wasn’t the love-sick puppy they thought he was. Then Elon grinned. Damn if it wasn’t true.
Aisanna pulled her car into her usual parking spot and took a moment to try and relax. Israel didn’t have an ulterior motive, she told herself. There was no other reason for him wanting to meet her beyond his gift. She couldn’t for the life of her figure out what he could give her, and honestly, after their last conversation, she’d got the feeling he would rather end their dalliance and call it a day. She’d thought of it herself more than once. One of those things she meant to get to in the future—if she survived that long.
She stayed in the car, glancing around for any sign of Israel. He’d told her to come, dammit. The least he could do was stick around. Maybe he was still out front? Easy enough to find out. And it was getting too cold to stay outside much longer.
Metal jingled as she put the key in the lock. Damn. Her hands still shook after the spell work they’d failed at. She pushed her way inside and the familiar pungency of her shop was an instant balm. Too much time had gone by since she’d stood behind the counter and felt ordinary.
“Hey, you.”
She jolted at the sound of a man’s voice. “What the hell?”
“I’m up front. Sorry, Johan made a complete mess of several orders and I had to stay late to finish them. It might be time to let him go, I’m sorry to say. Beyond the fact that he’s nosy as hell. Can you believe he mixed up asters and anemones?”
“Elon…what…what are you…”