Page 57 of Morning's Light


The windowpanes had fogged.

That was his first coherent thought when he looked up. The scent of her, of them together, perfumed the air and had him ready to go again. And again.

Aisanna let out an exhausted laugh and he added his deep chuckle to it, leaning his forehead against hers. “Wow.” It wasn’t the most eloquent statement but it was all he could muster in the moment.

He couldn’t take his eyes from her, tightening his grip, still hard inside of her. Every time she chuckled he felt the echo of it down below. His ears were ringing and he couldn’t get his mind clear.

Should he be worried about temporary paralysis?

Her chest rose and fell in time with his. He leaned in to nuzzle her throat. “That was amazing. Not to emasculate myself,” he said.

Aisanna said nothing, wiggling to extract herself from his embrace. “I’m cold.”

Chill bumps rose on her skin and caused the pale strands of hair to stand on end. Elon felt instantly contrite at his handling of her. Someone like Aisanna deserved love and affection. Not fervent hands and rough sex.

“Let me help.” Elon mustered enough energy to roll over, pulling her with him until she was cushioned against his chest. He used his right hand to drag the blanket closer and flicked his wrist until it covered her lower half.

“Thanks. I know it’s stupid to complain, but I can’t find the energy to move.” She lifted her head and shook her hair away from her face. “You’ve got style, Fayer. Every time I think I have a handle on you, every time I think I know how to handle you, you throw me off my game. You’re everything I told myself to stay away from.”

“In what way?” He stroked his hands down her shoulders and arms.

“You’re my employee, for one.” She ticked off the reasons on her fingers, punctuating each with a smoldering kiss. “You’re younger than me.” Another smooch.

“What’s age got to do with anything?” he protested.

“And you’re a human.” Smooch.

“I might not have literal magic running through my veins, but I’m not unaware of it. I’m not like every other person, moving blindly through an empty world. At least, not anymore. What you have is a great gift and I’m lucky to know you.” His fingers squeezed gently before continuing to trace patterns along her skin.

“I don’t want anything to happen to you.” She leaned down and kissed him again, then scrambled to her feet.

Elon threw his arms behind his head. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you actually care.”

She tossed a look over her shoulder. “You question me? You shouldn’t.”

He watched her saunter out of the room. If anyone saw her walking around like that, they’d haul her in for indecent exposure. Still, he couldn’t tear his eyes off of the sweet sway of her rear. Catching up, he tossed the blanket over his shoulders and grinned at her bed head.

“I don’t know about you, but soup isn’t cutting it right now. With the scent of curry in the air, I gotta tell you, I may be in the mood for some chicken tikka masala.”

His stomach growled in answer. “It happens to me all the time. I probably account for half of their business on my own.” He scrambled after her.

She stopped in the kitchen, moonlight still filtering through the large picture window over the sink. Elon leaned his hip against the table and watched her. She was unbearably tempting, the red tones of her hair turning to fire in the light, her milky pale skin shimmering. Then she turned her gaze to him and their eyes met. The intensity was so concentrated it took his breath. And for a moment, he could have sworn she sparkled.

There was something about her—beyond being a witch. He crossed to her and cupped her chin in his palm as if he could breathe her into him. When his lips dropped on her forehead, he felt it sear through him like lightning. He couldn’t resist her. Couldn’t if he tried. An unbidden thought entered his head: How would he tell his parents he’d fallen in love with a witch?

Tenderness crept into her chest and took up residence. When Elon cradled her close, draping the blanket around them both like a warm cocoon, she let her head rest on his shoulder and felt—for a brief moment—safe.


“Hey.” Elon ran his hands along her arms to dispel the chill bumps there. “Are you still cold?”

She ducked her head and used her hair to hide her expression. “I’m fine.”

Holy hell, what am I doing? she thought. Yeah, okay, she’d never experienced desire like she felt for Elon, the kind rising from the depths like a shark to swallow her whole. What was she thinking?

Had coming here been a mistake?