The question was weighted. If she said no, he doubted his ability to stop. If she said yes…holy hell, if she said yes…
“I’ve never been more sure of anything.”
Elon took her at her word and drew her close. His lips pressed down, kneading and tempting while yet anther question played there.
How could this be true? And what would be the consequences?
“Bed,” she whispered.
He grabbed her hand and they stumbled down the hallway, each eager to get the other’s clothes off. Her laughter rang in his ears.
She looped her arms around his neck, allowing him to pick her up and carry her the last few steps. The man had skills. Already she gave in to him, opened her mouth to him and felt the sweep of his tongue against hers. He knew how to move, where to touch to please her, how to angle his head until she shot to the moon.
“Take off those pants.” She demanded it. Her laugh grew louder when he lost his balance and tumbled them both down just outside the door to the bedroom. They landed in a heap on the floor.
“Hold on, hold on,” he chanted while her fingers worked busily to push his pants the rest of the way down. “Give me a second—”
Elon managed to scoot and roll until he kicked the offending pajama bottoms off.
“Better. You feel so good.” Her admission was a gusty sigh.
The room was filled with soft light from the streetlamps outside. The floor was hard, but neither one of them noticed. Elon tore at her bottoms, rolling and tugging until he drew them below her hips. He didn’t care when his favorite pair of PJs fluttered to the floor, stretched and torn.
The delicious sight of creamy skin rewarded him. He caught glimpses of bruises and vowed to gentle his touch. To woo her the way she deserved instead of a reckless coupling on the floor. She was smooth, soft curves. Delicate lines. He saw a small mole on her hip and it was enough to send his heart into a flutter. He couldn’t wait to explore it in depth.
His fingertips danced along her skin. “And now you look better. Jesus, can a man die just from the sight of your breasts?” Drawn to the view, he moved his lips to the cleavage before taking a nipple into his mouth.
Aisanna swallowed a gasp and her fingers dug into his shoulders, colors dancing before her eyes. “Elon!”
He had to have her. She shuddered beneath him and he stifled her cry with a kiss.
White-hot heat curled around his nerve endings until they were raw and electric. The longing pushed him toward a place where he knew he would never recover from her.
Aisanna arched underneath him. Her nails bit lines into his back and his skin felt over-sensitized, each touch setting off a tidal wave of sensation.
He swallowed when she effortlessly reversed their roles to use her mouth on him. Plump lips explored as she nuzzled her way across his skin. His need for her grew until he thought of nothing else except the desire to feel her. Feel her so close he would be forever imprinted with the feeling of her, the lines of her body and the curves of her face. His erection, already rigid to the point of pain, twanged and felt ready to burst.
Not yet, he berated himself, not now after waiting this long to have her. She rose to her feet and stood in front of him with a delightful blush coloring her body, and Elon fought hard not to fall on his knees and thank God.
Whatever had made her come around, he would not question it.
He’d never had that sort of immediate reaction to someone.
“Do you want me?” she asked again, knowing the answer.
He stood, pulling her to him, and was driven mad when she began to roll her hips against his. “Yes. Oh, yes.”
Elon led her to the bed and reverently bade her lie down, positioned so he could look his fill. She opened her mouth to say something, but he had his lips on her again. Elon took the time to sample her and commit her taste to memory. Slightly sweet with a hint of salt and musk, Aisanna was a gift. A gift he’d taken great pains to convince himself he would never receive. She knew her power, her worth, and most likely had a bevy of eligible men lined up, vying for her attention.
He shook his head. She was here with him. This was their moment. Those other nameless men, if they existed, had no business standing between them now. He gripped her breast in one hand and rolled the nipple between his fingers, savoring her moans.
Elon leaned his head down to take the peak into his mouth. Aisanna growled her approval and grasped his erection in her delicate hand, giving it a firm squeeze. For a moment, he saw stars. His eyes crossed.
“I want you. Now,” she demanded. “I want to feel you.”
His lips moved once more to the vulnerable column of her throat and down further to the frantic beating of her heart. He felt the pulse through her satiny skin. His arms tightened possessively, pinning her between him and the bed in an unbreakable hold. “Are you sure—”
“Elon, I swear if you ask me that one more time, I’m going to leave!”