Page 23 of Pike

It didn’t take a vision to know most weres were allergic to silver. The knowledge clicked in her head like a missing puzzle piece. She didn’t break contact as she lifted the pendant to Herb’s forehead and set the piece against his skin.

Smoke billowed from the wound within seconds. The shifter howled, falling back and clutching his forehead. The others were too horrified to do anything more than stare.

“You nasty bitch!” Herb snarled.

“Hey, watch your mouth.”

Pike sent a final round of blows to the two remaining rats. Once they were down, Herb still screaming and writhing in pain, he straightened. Took the lapels of his jacket in hand and tugged to straighten them. Took another moment to smooth his hair into place, swiping a grime mark off his cheek.

“There,” he said. “I’m satisfied.”

It was probably the third or fourth time within the hour that Lavinia felt her eyes bug out. “Are you kidding me?”

“Normal silver wouldn’t elicit such a severe reaction. A shaman in Tibet enchanted the amulet I lent you a thousand years ago. It’s…priceless. Please try to hold onto it.” He walked over to her as coolly as stepping across a Gucci showroom. “Better yet, hand it over. I’m not sure I trust you to keep it safe. You did drop it.”

Physical pain shot up her wrist and forearm when she was forced to hand it over. “So, no more cloaking spell?”

“No more cloaking spell, which doesn’t negate its incredible value. Please, love. Give it to me.”

She dropped the necklace into his hand with some reluctance. If only she’d been able to hold onto it the first time around. Maybe then Pike would have more faith in her. God, what she wouldn’t give for one day wearing the thing. A day where she didn’t have to worry about who was waiting outside her front door.

“Why didn’t you tell me when I first put it on?”

“I didn’t want to ruin the surprise,” he said.

“You knew they would attack!” Surprise colored her words. “Come on. Tell the truth.”

“I had a feeling. Honestly, I’m surprised they lasted as long as they did. Herb, damn him, has never been one for conversation.”

Lavinia stared at the squirming half-man, half-rat mess, and quickly averted her gaze. “Is he going to be okay?”

“He’ll recover in about six months. Don’t worry.” Pike slipped the chain around his neck before offering his arm. “Now, shall we?”

She gladly slipped her hand through the offered elbow. Their feet squelched through the mire on their way back to the surface. Ducking her head, Lavinia grimaced. “Please tell me the rest of your plan for the evening involves a shower and a massage. I’d do anything.”

He chuckled when she blinked seductively at him. “I hadn’t thought much further than ten minutes ago.”

Sure, she could believe that. He wasn’t the type to think ahead for every possible outcome. She was surprised he’d thought of the necklace. Where had he gotten a thing like that, anyway?

“You know,” she began slowly, “I’ve been thinking.”

“Dangerous, for you.”

“If you can find an amulet to empower with a cloaking spell, like the one you gave me tonight, then there must be more out there. Other magical objects we can procure one way or another.”

“Sure there are.”

“And if there are more out there, then, potentially, I can find one for myself. One that will last, say, for the rest of my unnaturally long life.” Her sentence ended on a cheerful note. Hopeful, even.

“Lavinia, stop,” Pike demanded.


“I know what you’re getting at, and the answer is no. There is no quick fix for your problems.”

“But there are spells out there,” she insisted.

“With repercussions. Haven’t you ever heard to be careful what you wish for?”