It was hard not to show fear. It was an instinctual response to the monsters reflected on his face. Lurking right beneath the surface.
“Is something wrong?” she asked, voice trembling.
“Yes, love. Something is wrong. You failed yet again.”
“Lavinia!” he yelled. If he expected an answer, he was mistaken.
It figured. The second they were outside the door—in the time it took Pike to adjust the collar on his coat to block the wind—she was gone. He growled out a curse better left unvoiced and scanned the crowd. There was no sign of her. Nothing. Not even a trace of her scent, and that was usually enough to track her. Fucking wind.
Fucking succubus. He should have known better than to push Lavinia so far so fast. She could hardly handle the little karakondzula. Those creatures were once used to teach children in his village how to deal with the supernatural. Tiny children of no more than five who had little more than a rudimentary understanding of the world around them. Of course, he was recalling a forgotten time. A forgotten people that didn’t exist outside of his memories.
Yet Lavinia couldn’t even handle the tiny night spirit. A simple incantation would have sent the creature into a coma-like stupor for the better part of the day. It was a much better alternative than bribing it with gum and candy. What kind of woman carried around half-melted gum in her pockets? A certain Miss Cutler, that’s who.
Why hadn’t that first shock been enough to jolt her into a vision of the future? He’d seen it work with psychics before. Those who hadn’t yet come into their powers. Was the very essence of what made Lavinia exceptional hindering her magic? He’d give good money to know.
Pike tried to be calm even when alarm skipped through his bloodstream in an electric sizzle. She couldn’t have gotten far. Not in those skyscrapers she’d called shoes. It was the first time he’d lost her—physically lost her—and he vowed it would be the last. If he were going to become her teacher, her mentor, then she needed to stick around and not run off in a huff every time she did something wrong and he reprimanded.
“Lavinia, this isn’t funny,” he called.
The comment was lost in the melee of music and crowd. Pike hitched his collar higher and chose a direction at random. He ignored the group of people he pushed aside in doing so. He scanned the shops as he walked by, hoping she’d walked into one of the late-night pharmacies for something. Anything. Then urged his feet faster when he saw nothing.
She hadn’t been carrying a phone. Only enough money for the cab ride home. No way would he let her go home alone after this. Not when she was still shaking off the effects of the powerful lust inspired by the succubus.
He wanted to kick himself. Anything could happen to her. With such a huge amount of lust and magic riding her blood, along with the almost implausible amount of natural allure she possessed, it would be a miracle if she made it a hundred feet without a scuffle. His mind conjured images of ski-masked thugs looming over his delicate Lavinia, doing their best to molest her. She didn’t have the tools to fight back. She didn’t have the wherewithal. She didn’t have him there.
Three blocks over, there was still no sign of her. There was, however, a very familiar face. The face topped a body forged in wet dreams and hardened in the desire of a million fantasies.
“Hey you. How did I do tonight?” The blond-haired woman from the club shifted closer, tossing the thick mane of cornsilk-yellow over her shoulder. She was dressed sharply in a tight halter top and latex pants cut way below her belly button. A diamond-studded belly ring glinted, catching his attention. It was an outfit designed to inspire scandal. It was her job.
“Mal,” Pike sighed, stilling his feet but not his heart. It continued to beat out a fearful tattoo.
The succubus leaned against the nearest building, drenched in shadow, with only the brightness of her red lips standing out among the shades of black and gray. She drew a cheroot from the waistline of her pants and brought it to life with the snick of a lighter.
“You must still be on the prowl,” he said.
She shrugged. “Girl’s gotta eat. Your little sideshow didn’t take away that fact. Now I’ll repeat. How did I do?”
“I’d be better able to give you an answer if I knew. Lavinia is gone.”
Mal straightened. “What’s going on?” Then she smiled. “You lost her?”
“We were coming out of the club. I turned to talk to her but she wasn’t there. I’ve searched three blocks and I can’t find her.” Did he sound freaked? He hoped not. It wouldn’t do to have his reputation tarnished if Mal sent the word around about his reaction tonight.
He smoothed a hand over his hair. It took effort to straighten his shoulders and adopt an aura of nonchalance. Even more so to still the pulse beating beneath his skin.
“Could someone have grabbed her?” he asked. “After you sent your hoodoo her way?”
“Don’t you think I’d know?”
How could she, if Pike didn’t know himself? His gaze dropped to the ground with a scowl. “She was pissed about what I did. By bringing you in. She disappeared in seconds. Tottering around in high heels that are too damn tall for her.”
Mal stifled a chuckle. “You just can’t stop. It’s cute.”
“I want to find her. Period.”