What he was was a soul-sucking Grecian monster who had been persisting on gossip for too long. “Bully for you.”
“Maybe I should make a move on Lavinia. She deserves more than the likes of you.”
Pike shook his head and frowned. “Don’t even think about it,” he growled.
Ezollo smiled and showed rows of pointed teeth like a shark. He settled an elbow on the bar. Settled in for a more in-depth and revealing conversation. “It would just be an experiment, mind you. To see if there’s anything there between us. You’re right about one thing. She is special. Her blood sings out to all creatures of light, dark, and in between. You wouldn’t mind, would you? You just said you have multiples on the hook. You can spare one, and she is a delightful young woman.”
“Too young for you.”
“Oh, never. I’d love to get a taste of whatever current runs through her blood.”
The daemon’s grin was infuriating. Pike straightened his back on his stool. “Try it and see what happens. I dare you.”
“Would it really be that bad to give up the girl? Why would it be such a bad thing?”
“You know why. You twat.” Pike glared at him.
“And you know you won’t starve if you part with her.”
“I said drop it.”
There was no way he could let Lavinia go. Not until he’d had his fill and was ready to move on. Besides, they got along well. Despite her rather unfortunate knack for getting into trouble, she was spunky. He’d yet to find an irritating thing about her beyond the normal idiosyncrasies. The woman was charming. A true friend.
The possibility of what that meant was unsettling.
Pike refused to look up and see the face of the bartender he knew just well enough to call a friend. “Don’t look at me like that,” he told the cocktail napkin.
Ezollo shrugged one shoulder. “Whatever you say. I’m sure it never gets tiring, hearing so many women singing your praises.”
“When it does I’ll let you know.” Pike raked a hand through his hair. “Truly.”
The daemon snorted. “With all the naked women hopping in and out of your bed, it’s a wonder you ever stop to eat more than the usual. Although truthfully, I’ve never seen you order anything beyond alcohol. Does your kind eat traditional food?”
“Souls? No, I leave them to you. They’ve always left a horrible aftertaste in my mouth.”
“You are no fun anymore. I wish you well tonight. This one is on the house.” Ezollo’s face was sullen, his voice artificially bright. He rapped his knuckles on the bar before moving on to his next patron. There were three lined up on stools like little old crows on a power line doing their best to remain unnoticed beyond the need for a drink.
The harried exhalation was real when Pike spared a glance down at his watch. He was skirting the line on fashionably-late and plain out-of-time. This wouldn’t do at all. There was protocol when it came to his dates. He’d survived this long by being organized and playing the game. Unfortunately, the game never changed.Womennever changed.
He finished his pint then slapped a twenty down on the counter for good measure. On the house or not. His brow furrowed. He’d gotten good at the routine and knew the intricacies that came with dating multiple women. Dating—what a ridiculous word for courtship. There was a certain amount of effort that came with wooing a female. Considering their emotions and acting on their desires. It went beyond date.
Lavinia, for example. Saving her shapely rear was a pleasure, if he was being honest. But he knew the real way to her heart came through affirmation. A kind word here, a compliment there, and she was putty in his hands. With her, there was no set rulebook. She was unique.
It was in his nature to seduce. To wait and watch for the perfect woman, sifting through the masses almost unconsciously until he found her. More than that, Pike had the talent for finding his feasts. He succeeded where others failed. He could turn out subtle actions designed to please and be in and out with no one the wiser.
Too bad there was no chance of real commitment in his future. Pike enjoyed his alone time and was hesitant to give it up. That was only a small part of the whole picture. There was no putting aside the fact of what he was. What they both were. It was too much to ask for fate to throw him a bone.
There was too much at stake to change the status quo. Losing his life, or the life of any woman. No. It was one risk he wasn’t willing to take. He started toward the entrance then paused, looking over his shoulder. Ezollo was pointedly ignoring him. Later, when he remembered the night, he would wish he could have given Ezollo permission to proceed on Lavinia. Better yet, go back farther in time and choose someone else. Anyone else.
Pike brushed a bit of dust off his trousers and was heading toward the door when his phone chimed. Straightening, he retrieved it from his pocket. Glanced down. His face soured.
Time to put on a show.
Holy jeez, he was holding a goblin. At least, it looked like a goblin. Lavinia tried to breathe and found someone had pressed pause on her lungs. She should go. Her feet refused to move.
“This,” Pike hesitated and lifted the tiny creature by its hair, “is a karakondzula.”