The dragon was on the rise again, toward a mantelshelf of cloud. It moved through the air as if it were swimming. Thim crawled painfully up its body, using its scales as handholds. When he was near enough, Loth reached out and helped him clamber on to its neck.

A shriek raised every hair on his arms. A wyvern was flying after them, spouting flame.

The dragon seemed as disturbed by the threat as it would be by a fly. The next jet of flame came so close that Loth smelled brimstone. Thim cocked his pistol and fired at the creature. It screamed, but kept coming. Loth squeezed his eyes shut. Either he was going to fall to his death, or he was going to be cooked like a goose.

Before either thing could happen, a powerful wind came from nowhere, almost unseating them all. The howl of it was deafening. When he could peel one eye open, Loth realized that the dragon wasbreathingthe wind, as Draconic things breathed fire. Its eyes glowed welkin blue. Cloud smoked from its nostrils. Water beaded on its scales, only to be caught up and scattered like rain.

The wyrm screeched in rage. Its hide steamed and its jaws gaped open, but its flame was quenched, gusted back into its throat—and at last, the wind folded its wings and sent it tumbling toward the sea.

Rain battered Loth’s face. He spat water. Lightning flashed as the dragon entered the clouds, victorious, draping itself in fog as it ascended.

That was when Tané keeled to one side. As she fell, some merciful instinct made Loth snap out a hand. His fingers snared the back of her tunic, not a heartbeat too soon. The dragon growled. Breathing hard, Loth scooped Tané close, and Thim hooked an arm around them both.

Tané was lifeless, head lolling. Loth checked that the case was still on her sash. If it came undone now, the jewel would be forever lost to the sea.

“I hope you know how to talk to dragons,” he called to Thim. “Can you tell it where to go?”

No reply. When he looked over his shoulder, Loth saw that Thim was staring in wonder at the sky.

“I am seated on a god,” he said, moonstruck. “I am not worthy of this.”

At least somebody saw this nightmare as a blessing. Loth steeled himself and addressed the dragon.

“Well met, great dragon of the East,” he tried, shouting over the wind. “I don’t know if you can understand me, but I must speak to the Unceasing Emperor of the Twelve Lakes. It is of the utmost importance. Might you be able to take us to his palace?”

A rumble went through its body.

“Hold on to Tané,” it said in Inysh, “and yes, son of the West, I will take you to the City of the Thousand Flowers.”



When Tané woke, she found herself looking at a window. The sky beyond was pale as bone ash.

She lay in a canopy bed. Someone had dressed her in clean silk, but her skin was gritty with salt. A bowl of embers sat nearby, casting a lambent red glow on the ceiling.

When she remembered, her hand flinched to her side.

Her sash was gone. Seized by dread, she scrabbled through the quilts, almost scalding herself on a copper bedwarmer, only to find her case on a stand beside the bed.

The rising jewel glistened inside. Tané sank into the pillows and held the case to her chest.

For a long time, she remained in bed, imprisoned in a doze. Finally, a woman came into the room. She wore layers of blue and white, and the hem of her skirt touched the floor.

“Noble rider.” She curtsied to Tané with clasped hands. “This humble one is relieved to find you awake.”

The room swam. “Where is this?”

“This is the City of the Thousand Flowers, and you are in the home of His Imperial Majesty, the Unceasing Emperor of the Twelve Lakes, who rules beneath the gracious stars. He who is pleased to have you as his guest,” the woman replied with a smile. “I will bring you something to eat. You have had a long journey.”

“Wait. Please,” Tané said, sitting up. “Where is Nayimathun?”

“The shining Nayimathun of the Deep Snows is resting. As for your friends, they are also guests in the palace.”

“You must not punish the Westerner for breaching the sea ban. He has knowledge I need.”

“Neither of your companions have been harmed,” the woman said. “You are safe here.”