Page 61 of The Bone Season

When I refused to either apologise or avert my gaze, he walked past me and shut the door. My heart beat roughly, my hair clung to my clammy brow, and my leg shook, but I stayed upright.

‘You are fortunate that the Emim did not catch you in the open.’ He turned the key and tucked it into his belt. ‘Since you are not at your full strength, they would have made short work of you.’

‘If you want me at full strength, you might consider feeding me.’

‘Magdalen is not impregnable. The Emim have been known to enter the grounds and cloisters,’ he said, ignoring me. ‘As soon as you hear the siren, you are to return to this parlour with all haste. You will not tarry for any reason. Is that understood?’

I just looked at him coolly. He leaned down so his face was at my level.

‘Do I need to repeat myself ?’

‘I’d rather you didn’t,’ I said.

He straightened to his full height, which was considerable. I braced myself.

‘The night porter had to wait for your return before she could secure the main entrance,’ he said. ‘You endangered all the residents of Magdalen by leaving in your condition. You also lied to her.’

‘It’s not her fault. I wanted to leave.’

‘What you want is irrelevant to the Suzerain. She expects your training to begin tonight. Now you have fewer hours of recovery.’

‘I won’t take another test,’ I said. ‘Just send me to the Rookery. I’ll juggle.’

‘Not with your gift. The Suzerain would not see you as a performer, existing only to entertain others. You have greater potential,’ Warden said. ‘Refuse to train with me, and she will use another human to compel you. I assume that is not what you want.’

I set my jaw.A few of us could disappear before this round is over.

‘The attic is now ready for you.’ Warden held out a key. ‘While there is an Emite in the city, I advise you to lock the door.’

‘Will it keep you out, too?’

‘I have my own key.’

‘Of course you do.’ I snatched the key. ‘Since we’ve separate quarters now, who’s going to save you if you’re injured again?’

‘I have addressed this matter with you.’

‘I wasn’t hallucinating.’

‘Go to the attic.’ His eyes flared. ‘I will rouse you at dusk.’

‘I want some water,’ I said, just to annoy him.

‘Take it, then.’

I chose the nicest glass from his cabinet, then picked up the pewter jug on the table. The room felt smaller, the air charged.

‘Before I go, I have a question.’ I poured. ‘What is the green pill?’

‘That is my concern,’ Warden said.

‘I’m the one taking it.’

‘And I am the one who gives the commands.’

I should have left him to bleed out. Jaxon really would be howling at the state of me.Honeybee,you just don’t have the sting in you.

Give me time, I thought.