Page 183 of The Bone Season

Kraz collapsed against the wall, staring into nothing. Within moments, his face became mottled and grey, as if he was decaying before my eyes. As I stared at him, a huge figure appeared in the doorway, and I flinched to face it, eyes wide, instinctively pointing the gun.

‘Warden,’ I said, my voice hoarse. ‘What the fuck are you doing here?’

‘I could ask the same of you, Paige.’

Warden came to me, only to see Kraz. I watched my keeper consider his choices, his eyes burning with an old grudge. I watched him come to a decision.

He took my hand and led me down the steps of Tom Tower, abandoning the ruin of Kraz Sargas.


23 June 2059

Midsummer Eve

The journey back to Magdalen was a blur. Warden escorted me through the city, using the same unlit paths. At first, I was afraid he was taking me to Nashira. Instead, he almost carried me from Rose Lane into the Porters’ Lodge.

Gail looked up in alarm when he entered. Seeing us, she opened her mouth, shut it, shook her head, and went back to her crossword.

‘Good evening, Warden.’

‘Gail,’ Warden said grimly.

Without another word, he led me up to the Founders Tower. I sat on the daybed and folded my arms tight. My side was killing me, even after the dacrodiorin and scimorphine. Nick had struck with surgical precision, and being flung about by Kraz had brought the pain back with a vengeance.

Warden bolted the door, then went to stand beside a window. For some time, he kept watch through a gap in the curtain, a sliver of torchlight dividing his face.

Now I was out of immediate danger, I could take him in. Aside from the usual black trousers, he wore his quilted jerkin over an ivory shirt. Outside the residence, he usually wore a doublet, at least. He had left in a rush.

‘I would be obliged,’ he said, ‘if you would tell me why you were in the House.’

‘I was looking for a new deck of tarot cards for Liss,’ I said.

‘You could have asked me to retrieve them for you.’

‘I didn’t need or want your help.’ I held my aching side. ‘Fuck. Is there any more scimorphine?’

Warden brought it to me in the form of a white pill. I tucked it under my tongue.

‘Be honest,’ I said, swallowing. ‘Have I just killed Kraz?’

‘Acid darts cannot destroy us. Only slow us,’ Warden said. ‘You must have used the pollen I gave you.’


He looked me over, while I gazed at the grey dust on my hands.

‘I must speak to Michael and Gail,’ he said. ‘In the meantime, you should wash. Leave your clothes outside the bathroom for laundering.’

I nodded. There was pollen on my shirt, in my hair.

As he opened the door, I said, ‘Warden, wait.’ I took the cards from my backpack. ‘I need you to get these to Julian – 26. He should be in the Old Library. Tell him it could take a few days for Liss to bond with them.’

‘I will deliver them by morning.’ Warden slotted the deck into his jerkin. ‘Divest yourself of the evidence now. Do not tarry, Paige.’

He left.

In the bathroom, I avoided my reflection. Even my face was dusted with pollen. While the bath filled, I stripped off my clothes and placed them outside the door with my splint. My wrist was sore and red.