‘Vigile,’ he said.
‘Warden,’ the Vigile said, with a smart nod. ‘Please accept my regards from the Chief of Vigilance, the Minister for Internal Affairs, and the Grand Inquisitor. Welcome back to London.’ A visor concealed his eyes. ‘Can I confirm you have Carl Dempsey-Brown and Paige Mahoney in your custody?’
‘Thank you.’
‘I expected the Chief of Vigilance to receive us himself,’ Warden said. ‘Is he unwell?’
‘He was called to an emergency. I hope you’ll forgive his absence, my lord.’
‘Since you appear competent, I may.’
The Vigile turned his visored face towards me. I wondered what had pushed him to turn on his own kind.
‘You two should remember that you are still in custody,’ he said curtly. ‘This assignment is part of your penal servitude, not a night on the town.’
‘Shame,’ I said.
Warden gave me a warning look.
‘If you leave the containment zone,’ the Vigile said, ignoring my comment, ‘your tracking devices will incapacitate you with an electric shock.’
I kept my expression calm. ‘What if our targets leave the zone?’
‘You are to desist. We’ll take it from there.’ He handed me a data pad, which showed a map of the area. ‘I recommend you both memorise it.’
The red circle extended almost to the Westminster Archon in the south, and Leicester Square in the north. Seven Dials lay just outside it. I showed Carl.
‘To avoid causing a public disturbance, all eight targets must be apprehended quickly,’ the Vigile said. ‘You should prioritise Carter, the Pale Dreamer, and the White Binder. Vigiles will be in the vicinity, but they will not interfere unless the containment zone is breached.’ He checked his watch. ‘We have forty minutes until the expected time of arrival. Do not attack until all targets are in Trafalgar Square.’
Carl was looking at the map with obvious worry. He must not know this part of the citadel.
‘Once your task is complete, you will return to this building. From here, you will be driven straight back to the penal colony,’ the Vigile said. ‘If either of you attempts to broadcast its existence or location, you will be shot. If either of you attempts to engage with the public or your targets, you will be shot. If either of you attempts to harm your keeper or a Vigile, you will be shot. Do I make myself clear?’
Well, it seemed reasonably clear that whatever we did, we were going to be shot.
‘We understand,’ I said, when Carl just swallowed.
The Vigile reached into his utility belt, unpacking a silver tube and a pair of latex gloves. I steeled myself for another injection.
‘You first,’ he said to me. ‘Open your mouth.’
‘Are you having trouble with the Inquisitor’s English?’
He sounded like Evelyn Ancroft. I resisted the urge to make him bleed.
The Vigile stepped towards me and took hold of my chin. I wanted to bite the bastard. He scraped a nib over my lips, coating them in something cold and bitter.
‘Shut it.’
With no other choice, I closed my mouth. When I tried to open it again, I found my lips were sealed. My hand flew to them, my eyes widening.
‘Just a spot of dermal adhesive.’ The Vigile pulled Carl towards him. ‘We’re not taking any chances, seeing as all you syndies know each other.’