Page 155 of The Bone Season

‘In short,’ I said, ‘your secrets are safe, Warden.’

After a long moment, he went to sit in his wing chair, where he poured his blend of wine and amaranth from the decanter.

‘You withheld information from Nashira,’ he finally said, ‘but you have still been given a red tunic. You must have been very convincing.’

‘Well, they do say the Irish have the gift of the gab. It’s usually meant as an insult,’ I said, ‘but I’ll take it, on this occasion. Iwasvery good.’


I kicked off my boots, then shed the gilet and the red tunic. Down to my undershirt and trousers, I curled up on the daybed, facing him.

‘So you have chosen to protect me,’ Warden said. ‘You have come some way from wanting me to die a slow death in the woods, Paige.’

‘I like you more than your consort.’ I helped myself to his wine, pouring a second cup. ‘I think I deserve to know what that symbol is, Warden.’

His eyes flickered with the fire. When he said nothing, I pursed my lips.

‘Suit yourself,’ I said. ‘But I have a theory.’ I leaned towards him. ‘I heard a story that a group of Rephs revolted against the Sargas once. I heard they were the architects of the rebellion on Novembertide. I heard they were tortured in the House.’

‘Where did you hear this?’

‘If you get to have secrets, I do as well.’

David was strange, but I wasn’t about to report him to Warden. He might still be useful.

‘You’re her consort,’ I said. ‘That’s why I never thought you could be one of them, for weeks.’ I held up my goblet. ‘But you drink this for old wounds. You’ve risked keeping a symbol that clearly means a lot to you. Suhail and Thuban treat you with obvious contempt. Most damning of all, your consort doesn’t trust you.’

‘Surely no relationship is perfect,’ Warden said.

I was certain there was a wry note in his voice.

‘That brings me to my other theory, which is that you’re having an affair with Terebell,’ I said. ‘I saw you with her. You seem quite … intimate.’

‘Terebell is an old friend.’

‘A fellow rebel?’

‘Tell me again,’ Warden said. ‘Are you a pickpocket, Paige Mahoney?’

‘Among other things.’ I held his gaze. ‘Are you a scarred one, Arcturus Mesarthim?’ When he looked away, I said, ‘You’d only be confirming that youusedto be a rebel. You might not be one now.’

‘If I were, more lives than my own would be at stake if I told you.’

‘Now you understand why I can’t share my whole past with you, either.’

In the long silence that followed, I took a sip of his wine, clearing my faint headache. Warden watched me do it, his fingers drumming on the arm of his chair.

‘I hear we have an external assignment,’ he said. ‘Tomorrow night.’

He was still trying to skirt this discussion. Even now, he wouldn’t confide in me.

‘Yes,’ I said. ‘Your cousin is coming with us.’

‘Situla is no friend of mine. She will report any misconduct to Nashira.’

‘Your misconduct, or mine?’

‘Both.’ Warden drank. ‘It is an interesting coincidence that our target should be the White Binder. Still, since you insist that you have no truck with him … you should also have no qualms about the assignment.’