Page 2 of The Bone Season

‘Rise and shine,’ she said. ‘What day is it?’

‘Friday,’ I rasped.

‘Very good.’

Danica switched off the life machine. I unfastened my oxygen mask.

The garret of our den came into focus. The building was a secret cave of contraband – penny dreadfuls, stacks of forbidden pamphlets, all manner of trinkets from the black market. This was the only place in the world where I could read and watch and do whatever I liked.

‘I don’t feel great.’ I rubbed my brow. ‘How long was I drifting?’

When Danica was ominously silent, I checked the timer on the machine. It stabilised me when I sensed the æther at long range, providing a safety net in case I ever went too far. Jaxon wanted me to learn to force my spirit from my body, but to date, I had failed. I was content with that.

‘Dani,’ I said, seeing the digits, ‘are you trying to kill me?’

‘Yes, actually.’

‘I’m serious.’

‘Jax told me to leave you for an hour,’ she said. ‘What did you find?’

‘That dreamscape is back.’ I sat up, a familiar headache swelling. ‘I still can’t get a clear read on it. I think it was heading towards Park Square.’

‘I’ll send Zeke.’ Danica reached for her phone. ‘I hear Jaxon gave you the weekend off. How did you swing that?’

‘Psychological reasons.’

‘What does that mean?’

‘It means you and your contraptions are driving me mad.’

She dealt me a dark look. ‘My contraptions are what keep you alive, ingrate. I could always let your sad excuse for an encephalon dry up.’

‘I have no idea what you just said.’

‘I know.’

Danica handed me my beaten leather boots. I pulled them on, then retrieved my peaked hat. She offered my revolver, but I declined.

‘I take it you’ll update Jax,’ I said. She grunted. ‘Where is everyone?’

‘Zeke is now looking for your stranger. Nadine is at a séance in Cheapside,’ she said, distracted by her phone. ‘Eliza had an episode.’

An unsolicited possession. ‘Was it Pieter?’

‘No. Her new muse.’

‘Has Nick checked on her?’

Danica shook her head. ‘Jaxon took him out for dinner.’

‘He said he would drive me to Islington.’

‘They’re at Chat’s, I think. You should go over there.’

‘It’s fine.’ I tucked my hair into my hat. ‘I’d hate to interrupt their huddle.’

‘You can’t go by train now. It’s too late,’ Danica said. ‘Don’t you have to go through Inquisitors Cross?’