Page 49 of The Mask Falling

“Can we trust any of this?” I said, when Arcturus returned. “They wouldn’t share their actual tactics with the public, would they?”

“No. Scion will report whatever it thinks will ensure continued support for the invasion.”

“Then for all we know, Portugal might be winning.”

“It might.”

He didn’t believe it. I didn’t, either, but it made me feel better to consider the possibility.

Ducos stepped into the room a few minutes later, hair pin-curled, the collar of her dark gray coat turned up.

“Good evening, Flora.” She appraised Arcturus. “And you must be the auxiliary.”

Arcturus inclined his head. “Good evening.”

Though her face resisted scrutiny, I could see her trying to make sense of him without letting on that she was doing it.

“I am pleased to see that neither of you has risked another late-night jaunt to the river.” She folded her arms. “I came to confirm that you are ready for your assignment, Flora. Command awaits your report. You would ideally make your first attempt at a possession tomorrow.”

So soon. “I can do it,” I said, “but I suspect I’ll be caught quickly.”

“You don’t need long. Find out what is between Ménard and Weaver, then get out.”

“Fine, but I’d like to see your medical officer first. I haven’t been able to shake off this cough.”

“Cordier is due to join us tomorrow, but she may not have time to examine you before the possession.” Ducos paused. “Do you feel well enough to proceed?”

I thought about telling the truth, which was that I barely felt well enough to get up in the morning. “Does Cordier know anything about how my gift works?” was what I said. “Does she know how to monitor me?”

“She knows as much as I do, but an experienced assistant would be useful,” Ducos said. “I rather hoped your auxiliary might feel able to step in.”

“I am able,” Arcturus said.

“Good. I feel warmly toward people who make themselves useful. Especially when Domino is providing those people with free accommodation.” Ducos handed me a key with an address tag and a code attached. “Our intelligence indicates that Frère begins her day around seven. I will meet you at this address at six. Any problems, call the number on the back of the tag.”

With that, she turned on her heel and was gone in a waft of rose-scented perfume.

“Did she just call you a freeloader?” I said to Arcturus, one eyebrow raised.

“I believe that was the insinuation.”

“Must have been covering her nerves.” My drink had gone cold. “She had no idea what to make of you. Interesting, since Burnish must have told her supervisors the truth behind Scion.”

“Burnish may not have been able to safely communicate the specifics. Even if she did, I do not imagine her supervisors have shared the information with agents in the field, like Ducos.”

“Right. Need-to-know basis.” I set the mug aside. “I’d better get an early night.”

“You have not eaten.”

“It’s fine. I’m not hungry.”

“You have had little appetite for several days.” He watched me rise. “Your condition is not improving. Ducos will postpone the assignment if you ask her.”

“There’s no time to postpone,” I said, thinking of all I wanted to accomplish inside. When he narrowed his eyes, I wiped my expression clean. “We’re on the brink of war, remember?”

“Yes.” After a moment, he returned his attention to the evening news. “Sleep well, Paige.”

“I’ll try.”