He let out a hearty chuckle. “Eventually, we will. Iamhungry. It was a busy night, and it’s only fair that you get to see what Santa has left under the tree.”
I smiled. “I wasn’t sure if Santa would visit me. Are you sure I’ve been a good elf?”
Nick took his large hand and cupped my backside. “You’ve been the best elf. I have it on good authority that Santa 69 couldn’t have done this whole year without you.”
“That’s quite impressive, considering I’ve only been here a few weeks.” And what a few weeks it had been. “Tell me about all the cookies you got last night.”
That was the one part of delivering the gifts that most elves were jealous of. The work was hard, the pressure intense, but the reward? Cookies from across the globe. Best. Perk. Ever.
We spent the next hour talking about all the different types of cookies and where they were from. I made a mental note to try and make a few of them. As far as elves went, my cookie-making skills were fairly subpar. Still bakery quality to most humans,but elves were gifted in the cookie arena. The competition was intense.
Eventually, nature called, and I forced myself to get up. I went to the massive bathroom that was part of Nick’s suite, did my business, washed my hands, and slipped into a pair of clean silk pajamas.
“Nick?” I called, stepping back into the bedroom.
Nick was sitting by the fire next to our tree. Underneath it was the present I had for him, along with a few others.
“Are those new pajamas?” he asked, smiling.
“They are,” I said. As if he didn’t know. He was the one who made sure they were waiting for me in the bathroom. I loved them. Not only were they silk, my favorite, but they were covered with little tiny sleighs, just like the one he had driven the night before.
“I thought you might like them. For the warmer months, there’s a pair of shorts that go along with it.”
Best. Mate. Ever.
“Thank you. Would you like to open your present?” I’d been itching to give it to him since he walked in. I was worse than the kids the majority of the Santas delivered to, that was for sure.
He grinned back. “I can’t say that I remember the last time I had a gift waiting for me under the tree—not since I was a wee boy.”
“Well, you’ll always have gifts from me,” I said. “Now, I didn’t get a whole ton of time this year to prepare, but I’m happy with what I did put together.”
Gift-giving was one of my favorite things. That should’ve been a clue that I was destined to be mated to a Santa.
I picked up the small gift wrapped in Christmas fabric with a neat bow around it. Nick started unwrapping it piece by piece until he finally revealed the photo frame inside.
“Is this…?”
“It is,” I said. “I was busy while you were gone last night. This isn’t an official ultrasound. We just did one super quick. I asked a favor of the healer elf. He didn’t reveal anything about the baby, mostly because it’s a little early, but that’s him—or her.” I’d run into them on my way home, and when they offered, there was no way I could turn them down.
The frame held a picture of our first ultrasound.
“Like I said, I didn’t have a ton of time to prepare.”
Nick pulled me into his lap and kissed me soundly. “I love it. I’d like you to open yours now.”
“My pajamas?” I said, looking down at the brand-new pair I was wearing. I wasn’t saying no, more clarifying what he was asking.
“I promise it’s just one other thing.”
He grabbed a large box and handed it to me. It was light, so whatever was inside couldn’t have been too big. Nick had used thick cream paper with sparkly snowflakes on it and a gold bow. I tore into it like a child on Christmas morning.
Inside the box was a maroon satin kneeling pillow with gold trim and tassels on each corner.
“For you in my office,” he said. “I thought you could set it next to my desk.”
“I love it,” I said, hugging it to my chest. He remembered. Of course he did, he was Santa—My Santa. But still… to feel so heard and cherished. It was… everything. “It’s amazing. Thank you.”
“Thankyou,” he said.