And if I were being honest, I let a lot of things slide. The stress of being an adult often led to poor decision-making skills. Bad decisions didn’t get equated with naughty to me. Other Santas disagreed, but they could handle their own departments as they saw fit. Just like I was doing to mine.

His hands had to be infused with magic. I was getting lost in the sensation of his touch and moaned as he hit a particularly sensitive spot on the arch of my foot.

“What’s your favorite part about being Santa?”

It was hard for me to regain my concentration enough to even piece together what he was asking. I was so lost in his touch.

“Oh, the naughty toy shop,” I chuckled. “The absolute innovation that comes out of there never ceases to amaze me. Each year we come up with new ways in which we can find to pleasure people.”

It was so different from the other departments in many ways.

“Children—making toys for them is easy. Most babies are entertained by remote controls available in every household or cardboard boxes. Adults, though? Much harder.”

“This is true.”

“I love being able to help couples connect with one another in whatever way they can—whether it’s a new toy, a new silk tie, a new kneeling pillow, any of the things, or simply just a special lube. Love is the true Christmas magic.”

My mate smiled up at me so beautifully. “It really is.”

“Aren’t you going to have any dinner?”

“I had some before you arrived. This is about you.” How did I deserve such a sweet mate? I probably didn’t, but there was no way I was informing fate of that. I was happy to keep him right here with me all the rest of my days.

“Well, then let me at least let you taste some of this.”

I sliced off a tiny piece of chicken and lifted the fork to Percy’s mouth. He maintained eye contact as he closed his mouth over the fork, his eyes rolling back.

“That is delicious, isn’t it? Aren’t you a little sad there’s no dessert to go along with it?”

He giggled. “And what makes you think I didn’t already have dessert?”

“Oh, mate, you are going to keep me on my toes, aren’t you?”

“Always. Now, tell me more about your trip tomorrow. I want to know everything.”

“You know, someday we can plan for you to go along with me.”


“Of course. Not this year, as we would have had to plan for it beforehand. The reindeer aren’t prepared to pull two people, and of course, I want you staying healthy and rested for our little one.”

“Of course. Maybe next year.”

Chapter 11


Christmas Eve

I was no stranger to the mad rush that was Christmas Eve at a workshop, but I had never been quite this up close and personal with the takeoff routine. It was a thousand times more intense, but not in a bad way. It was like I was experiencing the anticipation all those trying to go to sleep so Santa could arrive did.

We were in the middle of the town square of our own personal workshop. Our workshop was smaller than others, but no less festive and no less filled with eager residents who were happy to see their hard work pay off as Santa took off with his reindeer. It didn’t matter who the gifts were for, the purpose was the same; to add joy and a sprinkle of Christmas magic to their holiday. All the rest was just details.

The sleigh, of course, was weighed down by the sack of toys and, in our case, accessories. Nick stood in the front, standing and waving to the crowd. He wore his beautiful Santa suit that he’d spent the morning cleaning. I had offered to help, but he told me it was part of his routine and that he enjoyed it.

I wasn’t sure it needed it. The suit looked perfect to me, but he was so intent, and I’d never interfere with his routine. If detailing his suit made his flight go better, I was there to support him. Unsure what else to do, I sat happily at his side and rested my cheek against his thigh while he worked, brushing over the white fur and polishing his leather belt and silver buckle.

He was meticulous, not leaving even a speck of it uninspected. And as much as I hadn’t thought it needed to be done, seeing it as it neared completion, I saw how much it really had. He was going to look amazing. Not that he didn’t always. I had the hottest Santa. It was a fact.