“Can you go make arrangements to swap out the flavors and see if we can put a sticker or something on the package to correct the labeling, please?”

“Of course.” He handed me the mop.

“Thank you.”

Once he trotted off, I turned my attention to the container and the mess on the floor. “What are the landscaping crews doing right now?” I wasn’t sure if the idea would work, but trying something was better than standing here with a mop, which at best was a stopgap.

Chester shrugged. “How am I supposed to know?”

I looked around for someone who could be helpful since Chester seemed burnt-cookie-bent on creating chaos and not solving anything. “Harry, can you go see if we can borrow a few shovels from the landscaping crew and some large barrels—anything we can use to shovel this up and scoop it into?”

“When it spilled, it splattered all over the satin restraints. Those have to go out tonight, this Christmas, because there’s nothingyou can substitute for them. Silk is silk.” Chester smirked and stared at me with a challenge in his eyes.

I glanced over at the rack where an arrangement of silk wraps was hanging. Many of them had drops of lube on them.

“Right, let’s move this to the cafeteria, where we can lay them all out.”

“Why the cafeteria?” Chester asked.

“We can use baking soda and hot water to get these stains out. They’ll be as good as new in a couple of hours.”

“You can’t get lube stains out of silk,” Chester countered.

I winked at him. No way was I letting him see how he was getting to me. Sugar plum that.

“Trust me, I have a favorite pair of silk pajamas, and I had to get several lube stains out of them just yesterday. This will work.”

Chester’s jaw dropped. He attempted to school his face and rolled his eyes, but I saw it and he saw that I did. He was not winning whatever pissing match this was. He must’ve realized that because he immediately got to work.

“It took all afternoon, but we did it! All the restraints looked good as new, and we had them packaged up in time. Sure, the sample sizes would have a pink cotton candy flavor instead of bubble gum, but all in all, it was a good day.” I settled onto the couch next to my mate, and Nick wrapped his arm around my shoulders. I let out a contented sigh. “We really ought to be getting to bed.”

We had little time to lounge around. He needed his sleep if he was going to head out in just under 36 hours. And after the day I’d just had, I needed some sleep too.

He kissed the side of my neck. “That’s amazing, Percy. I’m so proud of you.”

“It’s one of the first times I’ve realized I can do this. I can be helpful to you and the whole workshop.” With a side bonus of irking Chester. I felt horrible for finding joy in that, but so be it.

“Of course you can, love.” He kissed the top of my head. “Not for a single second did I doubt that.

He placed a hand over my lower stomach. “I just hope you’ll take it a little easier once the busy season has passed.”

I looked up at him, craning my neck. “Why?” There was also the part where he’d told me he was ready for a family, but one question at a time.

He tapped the side of his nose. “Just because.”

I narrowed my eyes. “What do you know?”

He chuckled. “Love, you went through a heat. I claimed you as my mate. We’ve dedicated our lives to one another. You and I both want children, right?”

I nodded. “Of course.”

“Well, we’re going to have one.” His gaze fell to my middle. “A child of our very own.

My eyes widened, and I looked from him to his hand on my stomach and back again. Could it be? Could I really be pregnant already? Wow! How many things changed in a week. I went from single and far too innocent to be working in my department, to in heat accompanied by my mate, the most wanted Santa at the pole, to fixing a workplace catastrophe, to discovering I was pregnant all before the week was up. It was so much to take in, but also, it was absolutely perfect.

“You’re sure? It’s so soon.” I’d be crushed if I wasn’t, but it was best to know right away if I’d misinterpreted his comment.

He nodded. “I am very sure, love. It is inevitable, and the tingling in my magic tells me it is so. I can’t think of a better gift I could receive this holiday season.”