“I can handle it.” He pouted, sticking out his bottom lip. Candy canes, did I want to nibble on it and forget about all my responsibilities, but I needed to focus.
He was fully awake now and rolled over in my bed, looking up at me, giving me his biggest puppy-dog eyes. As if I could say no to him, even if I wanted to.
“Of course you can. I know that you can handle anything. I’m just saying you don’t have to.” I bent down and kissed the pout from his face. “Everyone will understand if you take some time off after your heat.”
“Let me get dressed.” He wasn’t having any of that, and as much as I didn’t want to push him, I was thrilled that he was going to be by my side.
“I’ll wait for you.” Another kiss and I stepped out of the bedroom. Sure, it gave him privacy, but also… if one of us got naked in front of the other, it wouldn’t be but a few seconds before everything but each other fled our minds, and today wasn’t a day that could happen.
We’d moved his heat to my suite not long after claiming each other, so I could treat him appropriately in my, I mean,ourenormous bed. It was custom-made, after all. I was Santa. I was a big man. I needed a gigantic bed.
Gorgeous Christmas things decorated my room all year round. I’d always liked it that way, but if Percy decided he preferred something else, I’d change it that day. This was our bedroom now and it needed to fit both of our tastes.
Percy came out a couple minutes later, wearing his regular elf uniform. I smiled down at him. My mate was almost ten inches shorter than me and a hell of a lot more petite.
“We’ll have to get you new attire.” He looked great like this, but his role by my side meant it was time for a change.
“Oh yeah? What new attire does Mr. Claus wear?”
I growled, adding a suggestive tone. “For one, you will wear my collar, if you’d like.” That was meant to be a conversation for another day, but out it came. I’d have felt bad if there had been even a split second of awkwardness between us after muttering the words. There wasn’t. Instead, I instantly scented his arousal. He liked the idea. He liked it a lot.
His eyes darkened, and he sucked in a breath. “I’d love that.”
“Then we can make it happen.” I snapped my fingers, and a red collar with a green buckle appeared around his neck. There were leaves of holly embossed on the leather. His hand touched it. I’d designed it when I first scented him, not to push but to help me be productive as I attempted to be patient. The look on his face made me so glad I had.
“I love it.” His eyes glistened. He didn’t simply love it, it brought him to near tears.
“You haven’t even seen it.”
“It’s yours. It’s a gift from you. It tells everyone that I’m yours. I love it.”
“I’m glad, mate.”
Since I didn’t want him attending the meeting in his regular elf clothes, I dug out an old coat of mine, and he slipped it on. It was from my smaller days before I had bulked up. Even so, it was too big for him, which would tell everyone it was mine. Was I being possessive? Yeah, but since we both enjoyed it, I didn’t see a single problem with that.
“Now let’s go see what these elves need.” My guess was that it was a lot. I’d never taken time off this close to go time. They were very good at what they did, and I was sure it had gone well, but they would have a ton to say.
The elves were all sitting around the table—Chester, Willy, and Stanley, along with the rest of the crowd. Chester narrowed his eyes when Percy walked in with his hand laced in mine. He was going to need to get over it and quick.
“First things first, welcome, everyone. I feel that we’re going to have another successful holiday season. That is a direct result of all of your hard work.” Their eyes were all on my mate, most of them with smiles. It was time to address his presence. “In case you all haven’t heard—which I’m sure you have—this is my mate, Percy.”
Percy let out a small wave. Many of the elves at the table clapped and cheered for us—all except Chester, who kept a glare on theirface. He was going to have to cut that out before he ended up on the naughty list and out of a job.
“If there’s anyone in this room who has something to say about my mate, or has any negative feelings or ill will toward him, they can kindly go fuck themselves. I might be Santa Claus. I might be jolly and gleeful, but I will not tolerate disrespect toward my mate.”
I looked pointedly at Chester. He had the decency to blush. I wasn’t playing games.
“Congratulations,” he said through gritted teeth.
Percy and I sat down and listened as each elf gave a report on their departments. There were no problems—everything was on track. I knew it, but hearing the words quelled any anxiety I’d been feeling.
After the meeting adjourned, I grabbed my mate’s hand and pulled him out the door.
“Do you want to grab your things from your room? You can move in with me.” If I had thought I could manage it between waves of heat, I’d have done it already.
“Sweetheart, where did you think you would live?”