And now it was time to go. Around us, all the elves were out, waving and celebrating the big day. A large countdown played on the clock behind us: ten minutes till liftoff.

“Are you sure you’ll be all right, mate?” Nick asked me. He put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me close.

“Absolutely. I’m going to celebrate with my friends and then have an early evening. Kind of.” I was going to miss him and be thinking of him, sure, but there was nothing for him to worry about. It would be just like every other Christmas Eve for me. It was when Christmas Day arrived that everything would be new and different.

I had plans for when my mate arrived home. I was going to be prepared with a special present for him—two special presents. And he was going to love them.

“You’ll get plenty of sleep? You won’t stay out too late?” He looked down at me with concern in his eyes, his hand resting over my stomach. I had yet to feel even a smidgeon of a symptom of my pregnancy yet. Sure, it could hit me all at once when he was gone, but it wasn’t as if he was on a month-long journey. He’d be back soon enough.

Around us, all the elves saw and probably knew exactly what his possessive placement indicated. We’d make an official announcement later, but for now, rumors would spread, and that was fine with me. We weren’t keeping it a secret or anything. We were simply waiting until everyone could celebrate with us and that would be after the deliveries took place.

“I’ll be fine, I promise.”

I went up on my tiptoes and kissed his rosy cheek. His beard tickled against my chin.

“I love you.” I kissed him a second time, because as much as I tried to convince myself he would not be gone that long, it was long enough that I needed to bank some kisses. “Happy deliveries and stay safe.”


I got off the sleigh and stood by my friend Willy’s side. He looped his arm into mine, and all of us collectively took a step back from the sleigh, giving Santa the room he needed for takeoff.

Nick let out a hearty “Ho ho ho!” then sat down on the bench, snapping the reins in the air so they made a crack. The reindeer reared to life, taking off at a full run. It was go time.

“Merry Christmas to all, and to all a naughty night!” he called out as the reindeer took flight.

I’d never been this close to a takeoff before, and it was just as magical as I had imagined it to be.

“Sugar plums, that was cool.” My last position had me already inside and cleaning up for next year during takeoff, and if I had known it would be like this, I’d have pushed a bit harder to see it in action. But then again, those weren’t sleighs being driven by Nick, so maybe they weren’t as magnificent as this one had been.

Willy laughed. “Indeed. Come on, let’s go to the elf party. We can stay for a while and then go home and crash.”

I chuckled. “That sounds outstanding.”

The elf holiday party was not something that many of the other workshops did—or if they did, theirs were way more tame than this one. I certainly had never been invited to one. It seemed that at this holiday party, the theme of the night wasfind as many toys that were left over and have a good time.

Not my idea of a great time before Nick, and now that I had Nick, it felt almost wrong. But he knew about these parties and thought I’d have fun, so it was probably just a me thing. It wasn’t like it was an orgy or anything like that. Though, to be fair, plenty of elves were pairing off and heading to their rooms together. Good for them.

This looked more like a bachelorette party gone wild than anything else I could put words to. Chester was there, wearing a necklace containing a bunch of dicks—fitting, considering he was one. I still didn’t fully understand his beef with me. Had it only begun after I mated, I’d have assumed it was 100% jealousy. Only it hadn’t. He low-key thought I was as bad as fruit cake since the day I walked into the factory. I was sticking with my he’s-a-dick assessment.

Plenty of the other elves around were playing silly, naughty games like truth or dare, all of it remaining relatively tame. We were coworkers, after all. No one was being forced to join in any of them, and even with truth or dare, the dares were fairly lowkey and people were allowed to pass if they were really against them.

Meanwhile, Willy and I enjoyed our virgin daiquiris and watching. Not like voyeuristic watching. I wasn’t sure if I would even like that, but if I was going to test the waters with that kink, it would be with my mate by my side and not with him flying around the world.

“I’m feeling kind of tired.” Maybe it was my pregnancy or missing Nick or the end of the season slamming into me at once, but whatever the reason, I was ready to get some sleep or at least not be in the middle of all this loudness.

“Oh yeah? I wonder what’s causing that,” he teased with a wink.

I blushed.

He patted my hand. “Your secret is safe with me. I am thrilled for you and Santa.”

I laughed. “I don’t think it’s a secret. By now the rumors must be spreading like wildfire.”

“Still, I’ll keep it quiet.” And he would. Willy was the most trustworthy elf I’d ever met, and I was lucky to call him a friend.

“Thank you. You’re a good elf, Willy.”

“Of course. We’re happy to have you here, Percy, and I think you’re gonna do a great job being the mate to Santa.”