Page 66 of Stolen

“You be fucking reasonable, Keith,” I shot back. “You think just because you’re rich you can just buy whatever, whoever you want? That’s not fucking normal. Looking into people, trying to find dirt isn’t normal. Stalking your ex-boyfriend because he broke up with you over the bullshit that you did in the first place? Not normal.”

“Jacob, just fucking listen to me?—”

“You fucked up, Keith, okay? I know it probably fucking hurts but you’re never getting Leo back. You just need to let it go?—”

“Shut the fuck up!” Keith snapped, right before I noticed his fist flying toward my face.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

Leo was under enough stress. Me getting into a fight with one of his clients wasn’t going to help anything, especially if it somehow made it to the fucking news. Thankfully, I was able to dodge Keith’s initial hit, even though his second landed somewhere against my abs.

“Fuck! Keith! What the fuck?” I shouted, before I lunged toward him, trying my best to subdue him before he could do any more damage.

But Keith managed to escape my grip. He pulled his fist back, ready to take aim again. This time, I grabbed for his arm, pulling it behind his back.

“Stop this shit! Right now!”

“Why won’t you just let Leo fucking go?!” He screamed. “It’s not like you can’t get other guys! Just take the money and fucking disappear!”

“Probably for the same reason you’re acting like this right now,” I calmly replied. “I don’t want other guys. I don’t… I don’t want anyone else. I think. Not if I can be with Leo.”

The realization hit me, around the same time as Keith did, having escaped my hold for a second time. His fist collided with my eye, as my heart raced behind my chest, thoughts of Leo running through my mind.

“Fuck. I think I might be in love with Leo,” I said, as I moved toward Keith again, kicking him in the back of his knees and hoping to take him down. The move worked as predicted, and soon Keith was on the ground in front of me.

I sat on the back of his legs and folded his arms behind him before I said, “Oh, my God. I just turned down millions of dollars because I’m in love with Leo. That’s what this is, isn’t it? That’s why you’re trying to kick my ass?”

“You’ve seriously never been in love before?” Keith asked, his tone curious. “As in, never?”

“No. Never.”

“And you had to go and fall in love with the love of my fucking life, huh?”

“Leo’s not the love of your life, Keith.”

“How the fuck would you know?”

“Because I’m assuming if you really thought he was the love of your life, you wouldn’t have cheated on him at every given opportunity?”

“That had nothing to do with how I felt about him,” he grumbled. “And Leo blew all of that way out of proportion. I never did any of that shit in our bed. And I always came back home to him, always.”

“Oh, Keith. You are making it very hard to be kind to you right now.”

“You consider thiskind?”

“You attacked me. I only acted out of self-defense,” I replied. “I never intentionally tried to hurt you, even though you probably gave me a black eye.”

Keith went quiet for a moment. “Shit.”


“I think you’re going to win this one.”

“Not really a competition, but okay?—”

“No, I mean, you’re like a good person.” He shook his head. “No wonder Leo’s all over you. If I were you right now, I’d probably sock me in the face again, just for good measure.”

“Yeah, that doesn’t seem like the right move to me.”