Keith let out a hearty laugh before he waved me deeper into his room. “Seriously, man. Get over here. We need to talk.”
I stepped into his room, Keith closing the door behind me. I took a few moments to look around and get acquainted with my surroundings, just in case Keith tried something idiotic like attacking me and I needed to get out of a hairy situation. Surprisingly, Keith’s room wasn’t filled to the brim with life-sized poster cut-outs of him and framed photographs of selfies. Instead, it was tastefully decorated, with a few choice photographs on his desk.
One of them was the shot of him and Leo in Cabo.
“What did you want to talk to me about, Keith?” I asked as I subtly placed that particular photo face-down on his desk.
“I’m guessing Leo told you that I did some digging on you?”
“Yep. Sure did.”
“Good.” He nodded. “Because that means I can skip right to the most important part. I think you and I both know that there’s no dirt on you, Jacob. You’re clean as a fucking whistle.” Keith held up his hand before he went on. “But that doesn’t mean I can’t make things worth your while.”
“Worth my while?”
“This needs to be hush-hush between us,” Keith continued. “But I just signed a $100 million, four-year contract with my team.”
“Congratulations,” I said, sarcasm filling my tone. “You seem like you really deserve it.”
“Thanks.” Keith beamed. He then paused for a few seconds as he slowly tilted his head to the side. “How does $25 million sound to you?”
“I could have it sent over to—Wild Woods, right?” Keith shifted his head back to its center. “$25 million and you’d never have to worry about money again. I know your company is far from being in the red, so this should just push all of you into a new stratosphere. Wealthier company. Wealthier clients.”
“I don’t want your fucking money, Keith?—”
“Oh, please.” Keith rolled his eyes. “Everybody has a price. Of course, if we do end up arranging something tonight, you should know my expectations.”
“I’d love to hear ‘em.”
“When it comes to Leo, you don’t exist anymore,” he started. “You can still talk to him, on a professional basis, if he has any questions about, I don’t know, something only you might know the answer to. But you’re never going to touch him again. You’re never going to call him or text him. He’smineand he needs to remember that.”
“And you think he can’t remember that because of me?”
“I think you could blur his vision and his judgment. I think he likes you because you call him pretty and probably play with his dick while you’re doing it?—”
“Watch it,” I warned. “You don’t have the right to talk about Leo that way.”
“See? It’s that shit.” Keith laughed. “That’s why he’s so obsessed with you! Big, mountain Virginia man who’s going to protect him from everything. It’s a cliché, but it works.”
Keith took a step toward me. “But that’s where it ends, right? You like feeling like a big, bad protector but you’ve never reallyhad to protect anyone because you never commit. It’s all fun and games with you. But to me, Leo isn’t a game.”
“So, I’ve heard. How much did that condo set you back? And that fucking bracelet?”
“Don’t be mad about that, Jacob. It’s a waste of your time. Besides, after you take my deal, you’ll be able to buy the next person you’re hooking up with their own private jet, if you really want to. I wouldn’t recommend making that kind of investment, though. Not if you’re not going to stick around?—”
“What was that?”
“Fuck you. And no.” I made sure to enunciate every syllable. “Leo’s not for sale. And I’m not, either.”
“Fine. $35 million.”
“Are you seriously trying to negotiate with me right now?” I scoffed in disbelief. “The answer isno, Keith. I don’t care how much money you offer me. If things don’t work out between me and Leo, it’s because things don’t work out. Not because I took a fucking bribe.”
“Be reasonable here, Jacob?—”